Aloe vera: Nature's soothing healer to periodontal disease

Geetha Bhat, Praveen Kudva, Vidya Dodwad, Geetha Bhat, Praveen Kudva, Vidya Dodwad


Background: Recent interest and advances in the field of alternative medicine has promoted the use of various herbal and natural products for multiple uses in the field of medicine. Aloe vera is one such product exhibiting multiple benefits and has gained considerable importance in clinical research. This clinical study focuses on Aloe vera and highlights its property when used as a medicament in the periodontal pocket.

Materials and methods: A total number of 15 subjects were evaluated for clinical parameters like plaque index, gingival index, probing pocket depth at baseline, followed by scaling and root planing (SRP). Test site comprised of SRP followed by intra-pocket placement of Aloe vera gel, which was compared with the control site in which only SRP was done, and clinical parameters were compared between the two sites at one month and three months from baseline.

Results: Results exhibited encouraging findings in clinical parameters of the role of Aloe vera gel as a drug for local delivery.

Conclusion: We conclude that subgingival administration of Aloe vera gel results in improvement of periodontal condition. Aloe vera gel can be used as a local drug delivery system in periodontal pockets.

Keywords: Aloe vera; healing; local drug delivery; periodontal pockets.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None declared.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Armamentarium used for the study
Figure 2
Figure 2
Test site Aloe vera gel application
Figure 3
Figure 3
Control site
Figure 4
Figure 4
Mean values of plaque index at various levels
Figure 5
Figure 5
Mean values of gingival index at various levels
Figure 6
Figure 6
Mean values of pocket depth of test and control groups at various levels


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