A survey on artificial intelligence approaches in supporting frontline workers and decision makers for the COVID-19 pandemic

Jawad Rasheed, Akhtar Jamil, Alaa Ali Hameed, Usman Aftab, Javaria Aftab, Syed Attique Shah, Dirk Draheim, Jawad Rasheed, Akhtar Jamil, Alaa Ali Hameed, Usman Aftab, Javaria Aftab, Syed Attique Shah, Dirk Draheim


While the world has experience with many different types of infectious diseases, the current crisis related to the spread of COVID-19 has challenged epidemiologists and public health experts alike, leading to a rapid search for, and development of, new and innovative solutions to combat its spread. The transmission of this virus has infected more than 18.92 million people as of August 6, 2020, with over half a million deaths across the globe; the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this a global pandemic. A multidisciplinary approach needs to be followed for diagnosis, treatment and tracking, especially between medical and computer sciences, so, a common ground is available to facilitate the research work at a faster pace. With this in mind, this survey paper aimed to explore and understand how and which different technological tools and techniques have been used within the context of COVID-19. The primary contribution of this paper is in its collation of the current state-of-the-art technological approaches applied to the context of COVID-19, and doing this in a holistic way, covering multiple disciplines and different perspectives. The analysis is widened by investigating Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches for the diagnosis, anticipate infection and mortality rate by tracing contacts and targeted drug designing. Moreover, the impact of different kinds of medical data used in diagnosis, prognosis and pandemic analysis is also provided. This review paper covers both medical and technological perspectives to facilitate the virologists, AI researchers and policymakers while in combating the COVID-19 outbreak.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; COVID-19; Computer-aided diagnosis; Deep learning; Infectious diseases; Machine learning; SARS-CoV-2.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
COVID-19 transmission pattern in top 15 countries (August 6, 2020), (a) total number of COVID-19 infections, (b) total number of deaths due to COVID-19 infection.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Illustration of an AI-based solution for diagnosis, forecasting and mitigation of COVID-19.


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