An Internet-based treatment for Flying Phobia using 360° images: Study protocol for a feasibility pilot study

Sonia Mor, Cristina Botella, Daniel Campos, Cintia Tur, Diana Castilla, Carla Soler, Soledad Quero, Sonia Mor, Cristina Botella, Daniel Campos, Cintia Tur, Diana Castilla, Carla Soler, Soledad Quero


Background: Flying Phobia (FP) is a prevalent disorder that can cause serious interference in a person's life. ICBT interventions have already shown their efficacy in several studies, but studies in the field of specific phobias are still scarce. Moreover, few studies have investigated the feasibility of using different types of images in exposure scenarios in ICBTs and no studies have been carried out on the role of sense of presence and reality judgement. The aim of the present study is to explore the feasibility of an ICBT for FP (NO-FEAR Airlines) using two types of images with different levels of immersion (still and navigable images). A secondary aim is to explore the potential effectiveness of the two experimental conditions using two types of images compared to a waiting list control group. Finally, the role of navigable images compared to the still images in the level of anxiety, sense of presence, and reality judgement will also be explored. This paper presents the study protocol.

Methods: This study is a three-armed feasibility pilot study with the following conditions: NO-FEAR Airlines with navigable images, NO-FEAR Airlines with still images, and a waiting list group. A minimum of 60 participants will be recruited. The intervention will have a maximum duration of 6 weeks. Measurements will be taken at four different moments: baseline, post-intervention, and two follow-ups (3- and 12-month). Participants' opinions, preference, satisfaction and acceptance regarding the images used in the exposure scenarios will be assessed. FP symptomatology outcomes will also be considered for secondary analyses. The anxiety, sense of presence, and reality judgement in the exposure scenarios will also be analysed.

Discussion: This study will conduct a pilot study on the feasibility of an ICBT for FP and it is the first one to explore the evaluation of patients of the two type of images (still and navigable) and the role of presence and reality judgement in exposure scenarios delivered through the Internet. Research in this field can have an impact on the way these scenarios are designed and developed, as well as helping to explore whether they have any effect on adherence.

Trial registration: NCT03900559. Trial Registration date 3 April 2019, retrospectively registered.

Keywords: Exposure therapy; Flying Phobia; Internet-based intervention; Reality judgement; Sense of presence; Treatment preferences.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

© 2021 The Author(s).


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Flowchart of participants.


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