Assessing proprioception: A critical review of methods

Jia Han, Gordon Waddington, Roger Adams, Judith Anson, Yu Liu, Jia Han, Gordon Waddington, Roger Adams, Judith Anson, Yu Liu


To control movement, the brain has to integrate proprioceptive information from a variety of mechanoreceptors. The role of proprioception in daily activities, exercise, and sports has been extensively investigated, using different techniques, yet the proprioceptive mechanisms underlying human movement control are still unclear. In the current work we have reviewed understanding of proprioception and the three testing methods: threshold to detection of passive motion, joint position reproduction, and active movement extent discrimination, all of which have been used for assessing proprioception. The origin of the methods, the different testing apparatus, and the procedures and protocols used in each approach are compared and discussed. Recommendations are made for choosing an appropriate technique when assessing proprioceptive mechanisms in different contexts.

Keywords: Joint motion sense; Joint position sense; Kinaesthesia; Movement discrimination; Proprioception.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Comparison of different apparatus employed in threshold to detection of passive motion (TTDPM), joint position reproduction (JPR), and active movement extent discrimination apparatus (AMEDA) proprioception tests, at the ankle, knee, and shoulder. (A) Adapted from Yasuda et al.; (B) adapted from Beynnon et al.; (C) adapted from Lephart et al.; (D) adapted from Willems et al.; (E) adapted from Larsen et al.; (F) adapted from Janwantanakul et al.; (G) adapted from Symes et al.; (H) adapted from Cameron and Adams; (I) adapted from Han et al.


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