Development of omics-based clinical tests for prognosis and therapy selection: the challenge of achieving statistical robustness and clinical utility

Lisa M McShane, Mei-Yin C Polley, Lisa M McShane, Mei-Yin C Polley


Background: Many articles have been published in biomedical journals reporting on the development of prognostic and therapy-guiding biomarkers or predictors developed from high-dimensional data generated by omics technologies. Few of these tests have advanced to routine clinical use.

Purpose: We discuss statistical issues in the development and evaluation of prognostic and therapy-guiding biomarkers and omics-based tests.

Methods: Concepts relevant to the development and evaluation of prognostic and therapy-guiding clinical tests are illustrated through discussion and examples. Some differences between statistical approaches for test evaluation and therapy evaluation are explained. The additional complexities introduced in the evaluation of omics-based tests are highlighted.

Results: Distinctions are made between clinical validity of a test and clinical utility. To establish clinical utility for prognostic tests, it is explained why absolute risk should be evaluated in addition to relative risk measures. The critical role of an appropriate control group is emphasized for evaluation of therapy-guiding tests. Common pitfalls in the development and evaluation of tests generated from high-dimensional omics data such as model overfitting and inappropriate methods for test performance evaluation are explained, and proper approaches are suggested.

Limitations: The cited references do not comprise an exhaustive list of useful references on this topic, and a systematic review of the literature was not performed. Instead, a few key points were highlighted and illustrated with examples drawn from the oncology literature.

Conclusions: Approaches for the development and statistical evaluation of clinical tests useful for predicting prognosis and selecting therapy differ from standard approaches for therapy evaluation. Proper evaluation requires an understanding of the clinical setting and what information is likely to influence clinical decisions. Specialized expertise relevant to building mathematical predictor models from high-dimensional data is helpful to avoid common pitfalls in the development and evaluation of omics-based tests.


Figure 1. Evaluation of a prognostic test
Figure 1. Evaluation of a prognostic test
Patients are uniformly treated with a standard therapy, and the test is performed on all patients. GOOD denotes a test result intended to indicate favorable prognosis, and POOR denotes a test result intended to indicate unfavorable prognosis. A) The survival curves in plot A show a situation where event-free survival for patients in the GOOD prognosis group might be considered sufficiently favorable that no additional treatments would be recommended for that group. B) The survival curves in plot B show a situation where event-free survival in both the GOOD and POOR prognosis groups might be considered sufficiently unfavorable that additional treatments would be recommended for both groups. In this setting the prognostic test results would not influence therapy decisions for the patients in either group.
Figure 2. Effect of patient heterogeneity on…
Figure 2. Effect of patient heterogeneity on assessment of clinical utility of a prognostic test
Patients are uniformly treated with a standard therapy. GOOD denotes a test result intended to indicate favorable prognosis, and POOR denotes a test result intended to indicate unfavorable prognosis. Patients can also be segregated into two groups on the basis of other standard clinical and pathological factors, and these are designated as group1 and group 2. A) Plot A shows the event-free survival curves for the subgroups identified by the prognostic test within patient group 1. B) Plot B shows the event-free survival curves for the subgroups identified by the prognostic test within patient group 2. C) Plot C shows the event-free survival curves for the subgroups identified by the prognostic test applied to groups 1 and 2 combined in proportion 75% (group 1) and 25% (group 2). For the setting depicted here, prognosis in the subgroup predicted to have GOOD prognosis by the test might be considered sufficiently favorable that no additional treatments would be recommended for that subgroup, whereas additional treatment might be recommended for the POOR subgroup. D) Plot D shows the event-free survival curves for the subgroups identified by the prognostic test applied to groups 1 and 2 combined in proportion 25% (group 1) and 75% (group 2). For the setting depicted here, prognosis in both subgroups identified by the test might be considered sufficiently unfavorable that additional treatments would be recommended for both, and the prognostic test results would not influence therapy decisions for any patients.
Figure 3. Evaluation of a therapy-guiding test
Figure 3. Evaluation of a therapy-guiding test
A test is performed on all patients, and the patients are randomly assigned to treatment with the standard therapy (STND TRT) or the new therapy (NEW TRT). SENS denotes a test result that is intended to predict benefit (sensitivity) from NEW TRT relative to STND TRT. INSENS denotes a test result intended to predict lack of benefit (insensitivity) from NEW TRT compared to STND TRT. A–B) The event-free survival curves in plots A–B show a situation in which the test is not useful for guiding therapy because within each category of test result the NEW and STND treatments result in the same event-free survival. If only plot A was examined, one might mistakenly conclude that the test identifies which patients benefit from NEW TRT. C–D) The event-free survival curves in plots C–D show a situation in which the test is useful for guiding therapy because patients predicted by the test to be SENS have a better outcome when they receive NEW TRT compared to STND, whereas patients predicted by the test to be INSENS have a better outcome when they receive STND TRT compared to NEW. E–F) The event-free survival curves in plots E-F show a situation in which the usefulness of the test for guiding therapy is not clear-cut. Patients predicted by the test to be SENS have a better outcome when they receive NEW TRT compared to STND; whereas, patients predicted by the test to be INSENS have the same event-free survival outcome regardless of treatment. (It is assumed the STND TRT has already been shown to offer benefit over no therapy.) In this setting, the utility of the omics test depends on whether one would prefer to give the NEW or STND TRT to patients whose test results are INSENS, and this may depend on other factors such as cost, convenience, and toxicity of NEW TRT compared to STND. If NEW therapy is preferred for all patients, then the omics test is not useful for therapy selection in this setting.
Figure 3. Evaluation of a therapy-guiding test
Figure 3. Evaluation of a therapy-guiding test
A test is performed on all patients, and the patients are randomly assigned to treatment with the standard therapy (STND TRT) or the new therapy (NEW TRT). SENS denotes a test result that is intended to predict benefit (sensitivity) from NEW TRT relative to STND TRT. INSENS denotes a test result intended to predict lack of benefit (insensitivity) from NEW TRT compared to STND TRT. A–B) The event-free survival curves in plots A–B show a situation in which the test is not useful for guiding therapy because within each category of test result the NEW and STND treatments result in the same event-free survival. If only plot A was examined, one might mistakenly conclude that the test identifies which patients benefit from NEW TRT. C–D) The event-free survival curves in plots C–D show a situation in which the test is useful for guiding therapy because patients predicted by the test to be SENS have a better outcome when they receive NEW TRT compared to STND, whereas patients predicted by the test to be INSENS have a better outcome when they receive STND TRT compared to NEW. E–F) The event-free survival curves in plots E-F show a situation in which the usefulness of the test for guiding therapy is not clear-cut. Patients predicted by the test to be SENS have a better outcome when they receive NEW TRT compared to STND; whereas, patients predicted by the test to be INSENS have the same event-free survival outcome regardless of treatment. (It is assumed the STND TRT has already been shown to offer benefit over no therapy.) In this setting, the utility of the omics test depends on whether one would prefer to give the NEW or STND TRT to patients whose test results are INSENS, and this may depend on other factors such as cost, convenience, and toxicity of NEW TRT compared to STND. If NEW therapy is preferred for all patients, then the omics test is not useful for therapy selection in this setting.
Figure 4. Schematic of omics predictor development…
Figure 4. Schematic of omics predictor development process
Step A: Specimens are gathered from potentially multiple sources and raw omics data are generated in possibly multiple laboratories. Some specimen eligibility criteria may have been applied, e.g., sufficient quality and quantity of biological material must be available. Step B. Raw omics data undergo pre-processing to screen out poor quality or unreliable data. Data normalization, calibration, and other adjustment methods are typically applied in an effort to correct for artifacts such as laboratory equipment drift, and batch effects due to assay run or reagent lots. If the omics data originate from multiple sources, the pre-processing steps used may vary across different subsets of the data. Different data pre-processing steps applied to the same raw omics data will generally produce different results and may affect the performance of the predictor. Successful omics predictors must be robust to routine amounts of variation due to specimen handling or laboratory assay variation that cannot be controlled when the predictor is used in clinical practice. Step C. The high dimension of typical omics data often requires that the number of features considered for use in predictor building be reduced. This can be accomplished by application of data reduction techniques that may or may not use outcome data. Examples of data reduction techniques that do not use outcome data include clustering to identify features contributing redundant information or principal components analysis to create “meta-features”, which are linear combinations of the original feature values. Data reduction approaches that use outcome data include univariate statistical analyses to identify features that individually have high correlation with outcome, for example using t-tests to identify all features that exhibit statistically significant mean differences between two outcome classes. Sometimes feature identification is incorporated seamlessly into the predictor building process and there is no distinct break between steps C and D. Step D. A variety of regression modeling approaches, decision tree algorithms, or other machine learning techniques can be used to develop predictors from the feature data. It is common for there to be multiple iterations of predictor training steps B through D to make model adjustments until convergence on a predictor that looks promising. Step E. Ideally, a predictor should be validated on a new data set that was in no way used to derive it. This external independent data should be obtained under specimen processing and handling conditions expected in routine clinical settings, from patients who are representative of the population in which the test is intended to be used. Internal validations, even if carefully conducted, always have potential limitations due to the possibility of biases affecting the entire data set.

Source: PubMed
