The role of polymerase chain reaction of high-risk human papilloma virus in the screening of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in the anal mucosa of human immunodeficiency virus-positive males having sex with males

Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio, Mar Rivero-Rodriguez, Concepción Gil-Anguita, Javier Esquivias, Rodrigo López-Castro, Jessica Ramírez-Taboada, Mercedes López de Hierro, Miguel A López-Ruiz, R Javier Martínez, Juan P Llaño, Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio, Mar Rivero-Rodriguez, Concepción Gil-Anguita, Javier Esquivias, Rodrigo López-Castro, Jessica Ramírez-Taboada, Mercedes López de Hierro, Miguel A López-Ruiz, R Javier Martínez, Juan P Llaño


Objectives: To evaluate the advantages of cytology and PCR of high-risk human papilloma virus (PCR HR-HPV) infection in biopsy-derived diagnosis of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL = AIN2/AIN3) in HIV-positive men having sex with men (MSM).

Methods: This is a single-centered study conducted between May 2010 and May 2014 in patients (n = 201, mean age 37 years) recruited from our outpatient clinic. Samples of anal canal mucosa were taken into liquid medium for PCR HPV analysis and for cytology. Anoscopy was performed for histology evaluation.

Results: Anoscopy showed 33.8% were normal, 47.8% low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), and 18.4% HSIL; 80.2% had HR-HPV. PCR of HR-HPV had greater sensitivity than did cytology (88.8% vs. 75.7%) in HSIL screening, with similar positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 20.3 vs. 22.9 and 89.7 vs. 88.1, respectively. Combining both tests increased the sensitivity and NPV of HSIL diagnosis to 100%. Correlation of cytology vs. histology was, generally, very low and PCR of HR-HPV vs. histology was non-existent (<0.2) or low (<0.4). Area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) curve analysis of cytology and PCR HR-HPV for the diagnosis of HSIL was poor (<0.6). Multivariate regression analysis showed protective factors against HSIL were: viral suppression (OR: 0.312; 95%CI: 0.099-0.984), and/or syphilis infection (OR: 0.193; 95%CI: 0.045-0.827). HSIL risk was associated with HPV-68 genotype (OR: 20.1; 95%CI: 2.04-197.82).

Conclusions: When cytology and PCR HR-HPV findings are normal, the diagnosis of pre-malignant HSIL can be reliably ruled-out in HIV suppression with treatment protects against the appearance of HSIL [corrected].

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. ROC curve of HR-HPV-negative and…
Fig 1. ROC curve of HR-HPV-negative and normal cytology vs. normal histology.


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