The association between sleep duration and physical performance in Chinese community-dwelling elderly

Liyuan Fu, Liye Jia, Wen Zhang, Peipei Han, Li Kang, Yixuan Ma, Hairui Yu, Tianqi Zhai, Xiaoyu Chen, Qi Guo, Liyuan Fu, Liye Jia, Wen Zhang, Peipei Han, Li Kang, Yixuan Ma, Hairui Yu, Tianqi Zhai, Xiaoyu Chen, Qi Guo


Background: Physical performance is an important healthy factor in elder people. Good living habits, which include sleep, can maintain physical strength and physical performance. The aim of the present study was to conduct a cross-sectional study to determine the association between total sleep duration and physical performance.

Methods: Our study population comprised residents of the township central hospital in the suburban of Tianjin, China. We measured muscle strength, walk speed and balance function by grip, 4-m walk test and timed up and go test (TUGT). We divided sleep duration into four groups <7h, 7-8h, >8-9h, >9h.

Results: A total 898 participants had completed data (392 men and 506 women, mean age 67.71 years). In man, adjusted sleep duration was associated with lower grip in > 9 h group, the mean value (95% CI) was 0.429 (0.409, 0.448), and longer TUGT time was also associated with long sleep duration, 10.46s (9.97 s, 10.95 s). In women, adjusted slower 4-m walk speed present an inverse U-shaped relation with sleep duration, by 0.93 m/s (0.86 m/s, 0.98 m/s), 0.97 m/s (0.96 m/s, 1.00 m/s), 0.97 m/s (0.95 m/s, 0.99 m/s) and 0.92 m/s (0.89 m/s, 0.96 m/s); longer TUGT time were associated with long sleep duration (> 9 h), by 11.23 s (10.70 s, 11.77 s).

Conclusion: In Chinese community-dwelling elderly, lower muscle strength and lower balance function were associated with long sleep duration in men. Slower walk speed and lower balance function were associated with long sleep duration in women.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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