Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis and Respiration Increase With Low-Load Blood Flow Restricted as Well as High-Load Resistance Training

Thomas Groennebaek, Nichlas R Jespersen, Jesper Emil Jakobsgaard, Peter Sieljacks, Jakob Wang, Emil Rindom, Robert V Musci, Hans Erik Bøtker, Karyn L Hamilton, Benjamin F Miller, Frank V de Paoli, Kristian Vissing, Thomas Groennebaek, Nichlas R Jespersen, Jesper Emil Jakobsgaard, Peter Sieljacks, Jakob Wang, Emil Rindom, Robert V Musci, Hans Erik Bøtker, Karyn L Hamilton, Benjamin F Miller, Frank V de Paoli, Kristian Vissing


Purpose: It is well established that high-load resistance exercise (HLRE) can stimulate myofibrillar accretion. Additionally, recent studies suggest that HLRE can also stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function. However, in several clinical situations, the use of resistance exercise with high loading may not constitute a viable approach. Low-load blood flow restricted resistance exercise (BFRRE) has emerged as a time-effective low-load alternative to stimulate myofibrillar accretion. It is unknown if BFRRE can also stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function. If so, BFRRE could provide a feasible strategy to stimulate muscle metabolic health. Methods: To study this, 34 healthy previously untrained individuals (24 ± 3 years) participated in BFRRE, HLRE, or non-exercise control intervention (CON) 3 times per week for 6 weeks. Skeletal muscle biopsies were collected; (1) before and after the 6-week intervention period to assess mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function and; (2) during recovery from single-bout exercise to assess myocellular signaling events involved in transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis. During the 6-week intervention period, deuterium oxide (D2O) was continuously administered to the participants to label newly synthesized skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteins. Mitochondrial respiratory function was assessed in permeabilized muscle fibers with high-resolution respirometry. Mitochondrial content was assessed with a citrate synthase activity assay. Myocellular signaling was assessed with immunoblotting. Results: Mitochondrial protein synthesis rate was higher with BFRRE (1.19%/day) and HLRE (1.15%/day) compared to CON (0.92%/day) (P < 0.05) but similar between exercise groups. Mitochondrial respiratory function increased to similar degree with both exercise regimens and did not change with CON. For instance, coupled respiration supported by convergent electron flow from complex I and II increased 38% with BFRRE and 24% with HLRE (P < 0.01). Training did not alter citrate synthase activity compared to CON. BFRRE and HLRE elicited similar myocellular signaling responses. Conclusion: These results support recent findings that resistance exercise can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function to support healthy skeletal muscle and whole-body metabolism. Intriquingly, BFRRE produces similar mitochondrial adaptations at a markedly lower load, which entail great clinical perspective for populations in whom exercise with high loading is untenable.

Keywords: bioenergetics; deuterium oxide; high-resolution respirometry; ischemic resistance training; mitochondrial biogenesis.


Study overview. The total study length was 9 weeks and comprised a single-trial study and a long-term study. For the single-trial study, subjects arrived in the early morning after overnight fasting. After 30 min supine rest, a whey protein supplement was administered. After consumption, participants completed a BFRRE, HLRE, or CON single-bout session. Biopsies were harvested immediately after BFRRE/HLRE/CON (45 min after protein administration) and again 3 h after BFRRE/HLRE/CON (3 h and 45 min after protein administration). During the subsequent 6-week intervention period, BFRRE and HLRE groups conducted training 3 times per week. Throughout the 6-week intervention period, D2O was orally administered to the participants with blood collected every second week to measure tracer enrichment. Biopsies and tests of exercise capacity were performed before and 4 days after the 6-week intervention period. BFRRE, blood flow restricted resistance exercise; CON, non-exercise control; HLRE, high-load resistance exercise; D2O, deuterium oxide; Ex, exercise (i.e., HLRE or BFRRE); C, non-exercise control (i.e., rest).
Muscle functional capacity for CON, BFRRE, and HLRE groups. (A) strength-endurance capacity. (B) Dynamic muscle strength. ∗∗ denotes difference from pre-values within groups (P < 0.01), C denotes difference from CON at corresponding time point (P < 0.05), B denotes difference from BFRRE at corresponding time point (P < 0.05). Data are presented as means ± SD. Overall effects are designated in the upper left corner of each graph.
Mitochondrial protein fractional synthesis rate (mito FSR) for CON, BFRRE, and HLRE groups. C denotes difference from CON (P < 0.05). Data are presented as means ± SD. Overall effect is designated in the upper left corner of the graph.
Citrate synthase activity normalized to total protein for CON, BFRRE, and HLRE groups. Data are presented as means ± SD. Overall effects are designated in the upper left corner of the graph.
Mitochondrial respiratory function in permeabilized muscle fibers for CON, BFRRE, and HLRE groups. (A) representative real-time oxygraph readout showing oxygen concentration in the chamber (blue line) and the calculated negative time derivative (oxygen flux) normalized to mg wet weight of muscle tissue (red line). Titrations are denoted with arrows and respiratory states are denoted with boxes. (B) state 2 respiration with glutamate and malate (GM). (C) state 3 respiration supported electron flow from complex I (GM3). (D) state 3 respiration supported by electron flow from complex I and II (GMS3). (E) state 4 respiration with oligomycin (4o). (F) maximal uncoupled respiration with FCCP (E). (G) respiratory control ratio (RCR) with complex I linked substrates. ∗ denotes difference from pre-values within groups (P < 0.05), ∗∗ denotes difference from pre-values within groups (P < 0.01), C denotes difference from CON at corresponding time point (P < 0.05), CC denotes difference from CON at corresponding time point (P < 0.01). Data are presented as means ± SD. Overall effects are designated in the upper left corner of each graph.
Phosphorylation levels of signaling proteins involved in regulation of mitochondrial adaptations for CON, BFRRE, and HLRE groups. (A) representative immunoblots for all proteins at all conditions. (B) phosphorylated 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (p-AMPK). (C) phosphorylated acetyl-CoA carboxylase (p-ACC). (D) phosphorylated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p-p38 MAPK). (E) phosphorylated calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (p-CaMKII). (F) phosphorylated cAMP response-element binding protein (p-CREB). (G) phosphorylated p53 (p-p53). ∗ denotes difference from pre-values within groups (P < 0.05), ∗∗ denotes difference from pre-values within groups (P < 0.01), C denotes difference from CON at corresponding time point (P < 0.05), CC denotes difference from CON at corresponding time point (P < 0.01). Data are presented as mean fold changes ± SD. Overall effects are designated in the upper left corner of each graph.


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