Methods for the cultural adaptation of a diabetes lifestyle intervention for Latinas: an illustrative project

Diego Osuna, Manuel Barrera Jr, Lisa A Strycker, Deborah J Toobert, Russell E Glasgow, Cristy R Geno, Fabio Almeida, Malena Perdomo, Diane King, Alyssa Tinley Doty, Diego Osuna, Manuel Barrera Jr, Lisa A Strycker, Deborah J Toobert, Russell E Glasgow, Cristy R Geno, Fabio Almeida, Malena Perdomo, Diane King, Alyssa Tinley Doty


Because Latinas experience a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and its complications, there is an urgent need to reach them with interventions that promote healthful lifestyles. This article illustrates a sequential approach that took an effective multiple-risk-factor behavior-change program and adapted it for Latinas with type 2 diabetes. Adaptation stages include (a) information gathering from literature and focus groups, (b) preliminary adaptation design, and (c) preliminary adaptation test. In this third stage, a pilot study finds that participants were highly satisfied with the intervention and showed improvement across diverse outcomes. Key implications for applications include the importance of a model for guiding cultural adaptations, and the value of procedures for obtaining continuous feedback from staff and participants during the preliminary adaptation test.

Trial registration: NCT00233259.

Source: PubMed
