Contextualising Maximal Fat Oxidation During Exercise: Determinants and Normative Values

Ed Maunder, Daniel J Plews, Andrew E Kilding, Ed Maunder, Daniel J Plews, Andrew E Kilding


Using a short-duration step protocol and continuous indirect calorimetry, whole-body rates of fat and carbohydrate oxidation can be estimated across a range of exercise workloads, along with the individual maximal rate of fat oxidation (MFO) and the exercise intensity at which MFO occurs (Fatmax). These variables appear to have implications both in sport and health contexts. After discussion of the key determinants of MFO and Fatmax that must be considered during laboratory measurement, the present review sought to synthesize existing data in order to contextualize individually measured fat oxidation values. Data collected in homogenous cohorts on cycle ergometers after an overnight fast was synthesized to produce normative values in given subject populations. These normative values might be used to contextualize individual measurements and define research cohorts according their capacity for fat oxidation during exercise. Pertinent directions for future research were identified.

Keywords: cycling; exercise; fat oxidation; normative values; running.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Representative illustration of fat oxidation (g.min−1) against exercise intensity (W) during a graded, cycling Fatmax test, where MFO, maximal rate of fat oxidation (g.min−1) and Fatmax, the intensity at which MFO occurs (W).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Schematic illustration of the identified determinants of maximal fat oxidation during graded protocols (black) and key identified unknown factors (gray).


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