Does 'Fear of COVID-19' trigger future career anxiety? An empirical investigation considering depression from COVID-19 as a mediator

Md Shahed Mahmud, Mesbah Uddin Talukder, Sk Mahrufur Rahman, Md Shahed Mahmud, Mesbah Uddin Talukder, Sk Mahrufur Rahman


Background: Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the mental health of the people all around the world is severely disrupted.

Aim: The purpose of this study is to identify whether 'Fear of COVID-19' impacted on future workforces' career anxiety at the first place and whether depression from COVID-19 has any indirect effect on 'Fear of COVID-19' and future workforces' career anxiety.

Method: Based on three different scales related to 'Fear of COVID-19', depression and career anxiety, a structured questionnaire was developed and the survey data was collected for this study.

Results: The empirical result of the study reveals that, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 fear, the future workforce is getting anxious about their future career. Again, depression from COVID-19, caused by 'Fear of COVID-19', as a mediator, has a significant indirect impact on the relationship between 'Fear of COVID-19' and future career anxiety, resulting in a full mediation. This means, due to the outbreak of 'Fear of COVID-19' people are becoming depressed and anxious about their future career which is creating a long-term negative effect on human psychology.

Conclusion: These research findings will be a major tool for the policymakers, as well as the human resource planning professionals, to sketch plans after COVID-19 pandemic. This study is a novel work combining the concepts of fear and depression with career anxiety in a pandemic situation like COVID-19, and also assists future researchers in many folds.

Keywords: Fear of COVID-19; career anxiety; depression from COVID-19; structural equation modeling.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Proposed research model.
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Source of getting information regarding COVID-19. Source: Output from IBM SPSS.
Figure 3.
Figure 3.
The results of the full model. Source: Output from IBM AMOS.


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