Serum biomarkers in acute respiratory distress syndrome an ailing prognosticator

Argyris Tzouvelekis, Ioannis Pneumatikos, Demosthenes Bouros, Argyris Tzouvelekis, Ioannis Pneumatikos, Demosthenes Bouros


The use of biomarkers in medicine lies in their ability to detect disease and support diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. New research and novel understanding of the molecular basis of the disease reveals an abundance of exciting new biomarkers who present a promise for use in the everyday clinical practice. The past fifteen years have seen the emergence of numerous clinical applications of several new molecules as biologic markers in the research field relevant to acute respiratory distress syndrome (translational research). The scope of this review is to summarize the current state of knowledge about serum biomarkers in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome and their potential value as prognostic tools and present some of the future perspectives and challenges.


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