Effect of Tobacco Smoking Cessation on C-Reactive Protein Levels in A Cohort of Low-Dose Computed Tomography Screening Participants

Silvano Gallus, Alessandra Lugo, Paola Suatoni, Francesca Taverna, Elena Bertocchi, Roberto Boffi, Alfonso Marchiano, Daniele Morelli, Ugo Pastorino, Silvano Gallus, Alessandra Lugo, Paola Suatoni, Francesca Taverna, Elena Bertocchi, Roberto Boffi, Alfonso Marchiano, Daniele Morelli, Ugo Pastorino


Smokers have higher levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) compared to never smokers. The role of smoking cessation on CRP is still under debate. Using data from two screening studies conducted in Italy in 2000-2010 on 3050 heavy smokers (including 777 ex-smokers), we estimated multivariate odds ratios (OR) for high CRP (i.e. ≥2 mg/L) according to smoking status. Moreover, in a longitudinal analysis based on 975 current smokers, with a second measurement of CRP after an average study period of 3.4 years, we estimated the changes in CRP according to smoking cessation. Prevalence of high CRP at baseline was 35.8% among ex-smokers and 41.1% among current smokers (significant OR for ex- vs. current smokers: 0.79). After four years since smoking cessation, CRP levels significantly decreased with increasing years of cessation (significant OR for ex-smokers since more than 8 years: 0.55). In the longitudinal analysis, no significant reduction in CRP was found for time since smoking cessation (ORs: 1.21, 1.04, and 0.91 for ex-smokers since 1 year, 2-3 years, and ≥4 years, respectively). In the largest prospective study available so far, we found that smoking cessation has a favourable effect on CRP, but this benefit is not evident in the short-term.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing interests.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Beeswarm plot showing the distribution of C-Reactive Proteine (log scale) according to smoking status at baseline.


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