The Effects of Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy on Balance and Symmetry of Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Franziska Rumberg, Mustafa Sinan Bakir, William R Taylor, Hannes Haberl, Akosua Sarpong, Ilya Sharankou, Susanne Lebek, Julia F Funk, Franziska Rumberg, Mustafa Sinan Bakir, William R Taylor, Hannes Haberl, Akosua Sarpong, Ilya Sharankou, Susanne Lebek, Julia F Funk


Aim: Cerebral palsy (CP) is associated with dysfunction of the upper motor neuron and results in balance problems and asymmetry during locomotion. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a surgical procedure that results in reduced afferent neuromotor signals from the lower extremities with the aim of improving gait. Its influence on balance and symmetry has not been assessed. The aim of this prospective cohort study was to evaluate the impact of SDR on balance and symmetry during walking.

Methods: 18 children (10 girls, 8 boys; age 6 years (y) 3 months (m), SD 1y 8m) with bilateral spastic CP and Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I to II underwent gait analysis before and 6 to 12 months after SDR. Results were compared to 11 typically developing children (TDC; 6 girls, 5 boys; age 6y 6m, SD 1y 11m). To analyse balance, sway velocity, radial displacement and frequency were calculated. Symmetry ratios were calculated for balance measures and spatio-temporal parameters during walking.

Results: Most spatio-temporal parameters of gait, as well as all parameters of balance, improved significantly after SDR. Preoperative values of symmetry did not vary considerably between CP and TDC group and significant postoperative improvement did not occur.

Interpretation: The reduction of afferent signalling through SDR improves gait by reducing balance problems rather than enhancing movement symmetry.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Changes of velocity related balance…
Fig 1. Changes of velocity related balance parameters.
Paired samples t-test for normally distributed data; TDC = typically developing children, CP = cerebral palsy, SDR = selective dorsal rhizotomy, BL = bilateral, UL = unilateral, R = right, L = left, * p = 0.000, † p = 0.001, ‡ p = 0.002, # p = 0.004, £ p = 0.006, ¥ p = 0.007.


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