Exploring the Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention Among High-Risk People Who Use Drugs in Treatment

Roman Shrestha, Michael Copenhaver, Roman Shrestha, Michael Copenhaver


Introduction: Despite unequivocal evidence supporting the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), its scale-up has been gradual overall, and nearly absent among people who use drugs (PWUD). In the present study, we implemented the use of PrEP, as a part of an integrated HIV prevention approach, and explored the experiences and attitudes related to PrEP use among PWUD. Methods: Between September 2016 and July 2017, we recruited 40 HIV-uninfected, methadone-maintained people, who reported HIV-risk behaviors, and were currently taking PrEP. We conducted both quantitative and in-depth semi-structured qualitative interviews that primarily focused on experiences, attitudes, acceptability, disclosure status, risk compensation-related attitudes, and barriers related to PrEP adherence. Results: Results showed that participants were highly satisfied and perceived PrEP as valuable and acceptable for HIV prevention. Participants reported high adherence to PrEP. The most highly endorsed facilitators to PrEP adherence were use of memory aids, no out-of-pocket cost, perceived benefit, and support from social network. The barriers to adherence included side-effects, stigmatization, requirement of daily dosing, and accessibility of PrEP services. Additionally, participants expressed disagreement with the overall risk compensation-related attitudes (i.e., decreased personal concern about engaging in HIV risk behavior due to their perception that PrEP is now fully protecting them from contracting HIV) and indicated no increased engagement in risk behaviors while on PrEP. Conclusions: The results from the current study provide preliminary evidence supporting the successful integration of PrEP within the substance abuse treatment setting, where high risk PWUD are concentrated.

Keywords: HIV prevention; methadone maintenance program; people who use drugs; pre-exposure prophylaxis; substance abuse.


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