The effectiveness of the use of augmented reality in anatomy education: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kerem A Bölek, Guido De Jong, Dylan Henssen, Kerem A Bölek, Guido De Jong, Dylan Henssen


The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in anatomical education has been promoted by numerous authors. Next to financial and ethical advantages, AR has been described to decrease cognitive load while increasing student motivation and engagement. Despite these advantages, the effects of AR on learning outcome varies in different studies and an overview and aggregated outcome on learning anatomy is lacking. Therefore, a meta-analysis on the effect of AR vs. traditional anatomical teaching methods on learning outcome was performed. Systematic database searches were conducted by two independent investigators using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. This yielded five papers for meta-analysis totaling 508 participants; 240 participants in the AR-groups and 268 participants in the control groups. (306 females/202 males). Meta-analysis showed no significant difference in anatomic test scores between the AR group and the control group (- 0.765 percentage-points (%-points); P = 0.732). Sub analysis on the use of AR vs. the use of traditional 2D teaching methods showed a significant disadvantage when using AR (- 5.685%-points; P = 0.024). Meta-regression analysis showed no significant co-relation between mean difference in test results and spatial abilities (as assessed by the mental rotations test scores). Student motivation and/or engagement could not be included since studies used different assessment tools. This meta-analysis showed that insufficient evidence is present to conclude AR significantly impacts learning outcome and that outcomes are significantly impacted by students' spatial abilities. However, only few papers were suitable for meta-analysis, indicating that there is a need for more well-designed, randomized-controlled trials on AR in anatomy education research.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing interests.

© 2021. The Author(s).


Figure 1
Figure 1
PRISMA flow diagram for the systematic review detailing the database searches, the number of abstracts screened and the full texts retrieved.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Forest plot showing the estimated mean difference in anatomic test scores (%) from the different included studies investigating AR as compared with other forms of anatomical education. AR augmented reality, 95%-CI 95%-confidence interval.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Forest plot showing the estimated mean difference in anatomic test scores (%) from the included studies addressing AR vs. 2D forms of anatomical education (i.e., traditional anatomical atlases, radiological data). AR  augmented reality, 95%-CI 95%-confidence Interval.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Bubble plot with fitted meta-regression line of mean difference in anatomic test scores (%) and spatial ability. Included are the studies addressing AR vs. 2D forms of anatomical education (i.e., traditional anatomical atlases, radiological data). AR augmented reality, MRT mental rotation test.


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