A 16-Week Home-Based Progressive Resistance Tube Training Among Older Adults With Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: Effect on Glycemic Control

Theng Choon Ooi, Arimi Fitri Mat Ludin, Seng Cheong Loke, Maria Antoinette Fiatarone Singh, Teck Wee Wong, Nathan Vytialingam, Muhammad Mikhail Joseph Anthony Abdullah, Ooi Chuan Ng, Norhaniza Bahar, Norliza Zainudin, Leong Chen Lew, Theng Choon Ooi, Arimi Fitri Mat Ludin, Seng Cheong Loke, Maria Antoinette Fiatarone Singh, Teck Wee Wong, Nathan Vytialingam, Muhammad Mikhail Joseph Anthony Abdullah, Ooi Chuan Ng, Norhaniza Bahar, Norliza Zainudin, Leong Chen Lew


Research has proven that aerobic exercise improves glucose homeostasis among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Elastic resistance (tube or band) is suggested as a good alternative for home-based strength training among older adults including those with T2DM due to its low cost, simplicity, portability, and versatility. This study aimed to measure the effects of 16-week home-based progressive resistance training (PRT), using a resistance tube on glucose homeostasis and cardiovascular risk factors among older adults with T2DM. A total of 70 participants aged 61.68 (5.50) years with T2DM were assigned to the intervention (n = 35) and control (n = 35) groups in this quasi-experimental trial. The intervention group underwent 16 weeks of home-based PRT using a resistance tube. Significant improvements in HbA1c (-1.34% point, p < 0.001), fasting blood glucose (-1.30 mmol/L, p < 0.001), and systolic blood pressure (-1.42 mmHg, p < 0.05) were observed after 16 weeks of intervention. However, no significant changes were observed in lipid profile, diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, and ankle-brachial index. The finding suggests that 16 weeks of home-based PRT using a resistance tube has the potential to improve glycemic control and reduce systolic blood pressure among older adults with T2DM and caused no adverse events.

Keywords: glycemic control; older adults; progressive resistance training; resistance tube; type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Conflict of interest statement

Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

© The Author(s) 2021.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Study consort flow.


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