Quality of Life and Physical Activity of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury

Tjasa Filipcic, Vedrana Sember, Maja Pajek, Janez Jerman, Tjasa Filipcic, Vedrana Sember, Maja Pajek, Janez Jerman


The higher quality of life of people with spinal cord injury is closely related with their reintegration into the social environment. Social reintegration is a demanding and complex process, requiring individuals to become active again and acquire age-, gender-, and culture-appropriate roles and social status. It also involves independence and productive behavior as part of multiple interpersonal relationships with family, friends, and others. In order to establish whether individuals with spinal cord injury who are physically active subjectively rate their quality of life to be higher compared to those who are not, sixty-two respondents from Slovenia with spinal cord injury were interviewed. Thirty-one of them were physically active, and 31 were not. The level of injury of the responders was from Th6-Th12. The participants gave the highest assessments to their interpersonal relationships, and the lowest to their satisfaction with material prosperity. Data comparison showed that subjective estimates in all areas of quality of life are higher in respondents who were involved in physical activity after their injury. The results may encourage persons with spinal cord injury to participate more often in sports programs, and also encourage others to do so.

Keywords: quality of life; spinal cord injury; sports activity.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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