Keep calm and carry on: improved frustration tolerance and processing speed by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)

Christian Plewnia, Philipp A Schroeder, Roland Kunze, Florian Faehling, Larissa Wolkenstein, Christian Plewnia, Philipp A Schroeder, Roland Kunze, Florian Faehling, Larissa Wolkenstein


Cognitive control (CC) of attention is a major prerequisite for effective information processing. Emotional distractors can bias and impair goal-directed deployment of attentional resources. Frustration-induced negative affect and cognition can act as internal distractors with negative impact on task performance. Consolidation of CC may thus support task-oriented behavior under challenging conditions. Recently, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been put forward as an effective tool to modulate CC. Particularly, anodal, activity enhancing tDCS to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) can increase insufficient CC in depression as indicated by a reduction of attentional biases induced by emotionally salient stimuli. With this study, we provide first evidence that, compared to sham stimulation, tDCS to the left dlPFC enhances processing speed measured by an adaptive version of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT) that is typically thwarted by frustration. Notably, despite an even larger amount of error-related negative feedback, the task-induced upset was suppressed in the group receiving anodal tDCS. Moreover, inhibition of task-related negative affect was correlated with performance gains, suggesting a close link between enhanced processing speed and consolidation of CC by tDCS. Together, these data provide first evidence that activity enhancing anodal tDCS to the left dlPFC can support focused cognitive processing particularly when challenged by frustration-induced negative affect.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Experimental procedure.
Fig 1. Experimental procedure.
All participants completed the ‘Positive and Negative Affect Schedule’ (PANAS) and then performed a baseline measurement of the adaptive Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT) without tDCS. Then either sham or anodal tDCS was initiated. For the first 5 minutes of stimulation, participants were instructed to relax. Next, a second and third measurement of PASAT performance were conducted for 5 minutes each, with a break of 5 minutes in between. Afterwards, stimulation was terminated and participants completed the PANAS post questionnaire.
Fig 2. Changes in processing speed as…
Fig 2. Changes in processing speed as a function of stimulation.
Anodal stimulation led to a significant stimulation main effect in the corresponding block x stimulation ANCOVA, driven by shorter ISIs in the stimulation group. Error bars reflect standard errors of the mean.
Fig 3. Feeling ‘upset’ and processing speed.
Fig 3. Feeling ‘upset’ and processing speed.
Whereas participants in the sham stimulation group felt more upset after the experiment, this increase was alleviated in the anodal stimulation group (Panel A). Increase in feeling upset was correlated with less processing speed improvements as measured by the PASAT inter-stimulus interval (ISI; Panel B). Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.


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