Lymphadenectomy in locally advanced cervical cancer study (LiLACS): Phase III clinical trial comparing surgical with radiologic staging in patients with stages IB2-IVA cervical cancer

Michael Frumovitz, Denis Querleu, Antonio Gil-Moreno, Philippe Morice, Anuja Jhingran, Mark F Munsell, Homer A Macapinlac, Eric Leblanc, Alejandra Martinez, Pedro T Ramirez, Michael Frumovitz, Denis Querleu, Antonio Gil-Moreno, Philippe Morice, Anuja Jhingran, Mark F Munsell, Homer A Macapinlac, Eric Leblanc, Alejandra Martinez, Pedro T Ramirez


Radiation treatment planning for women with locally advanced cervical cancer (stages IB2-IVA) is often based on positron emission tomography (PET). PET, however, has poor sensitivity in detecting metastases in aortocaval nodes. We have initiated a study with the objective of determining whether pre-therapeutic laparoscopic surgical staging followed by tailored chemoradiation improves survival as compared with PET/computed tomography (CT) radiologic staging alone followed by chemoradiation. This international, multicenter phase III trial will enroll 600 women with stages IB2-IVA cervical cancer and PET/CT findings showing fluorodeoxyglucose-avid pelvic nodes and fluorodeoxyglucose-negative para-aortic nodes. Eligible patients will be randomized to undergo either pelvic radiotherapy with chemotherapy (standard-of-care arm) or surgical staging via a minimally invasive extraperitoneal approach followed by tailored radiotherapy with chemotherapy (experimental arm). The primary end point is overall survival. Secondary end points are disease-free survival, short- and long-term morbidity with pre-therapeutic surgical staging, and determination of anatomic locations of metastatic para-aortic nodes in relationship to the inferior mesenteric artery. We believe this study will show that tailored chemoradiation after pre-therapeutic surgical staging improves survival as compared with chemoradiation based on PET/CT in women with stages IB2-IVA cervical cancer.

Keywords: Cervix; Laparoscopy; PET/CT; Surgical staging.

Conflict of interest statement

Disclosures: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose

Copyright © 2014 AAGL. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Source: PubMed
