Test-retest reliability of the eating disorder examination-questionnaire (EDE-Q) in a college sample

Jennifer S Rose, Adin Vaewsorn, Francine Rosselli-Navarra, G Terence Wilson, Ruth Striegel Weissman, Jennifer S Rose, Adin Vaewsorn, Francine Rosselli-Navarra, G Terence Wilson, Ruth Striegel Weissman


Background: The Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q), a widely used self-report instrument, is often used for measuring change in eating disorder symptoms over the course of treatment. However, limited data exist about test-retest reliability, particularly for men. The current study evaluated EDE-Q 7-day test-retest reliability in male (n = 47) and female (n = 44) undergraduate students together and separately by gender.

Results: Internal consistency was consistently higher for women and at Time 2, but remained acceptable for both men and women at both time points. Cronbach's α ranged from .75 (Restraint at Time 1) to .93 (Shape Concern at Time 2) for women and from .73 (Eating Concern at Time 2) to .89 (Shape Concern at Time 2) for men. With the exception of some of the eating disorder behaviors, test re-test reliability was fairly strong for both men and women. Shape Concern and the global EDE-Q score were highest for both men and women (Spearman's rho > 0.89 with the exception of Shape Concern for women for which Spearman's rho = .86). Test re-test reliability was lower for the eating disorder behavior measures, particularly for men, for whom Kendall's tau-b for frequency and phi for occurrence was less than 0.70 for all but objective bulimic episodes.

Conclusions: Results were consistent with past research for women, indicating strong test re-test reliability in attitudinal features of eating disorders, but lower test re-test reliability in behavioral features. Internal consistency and test re-test reliability was good for the attitudinal features of eating disorder in men, but tended to be lower for men compared to women. The EDE-Q appears to be a reliable instrument for assessing eating disorder attitudes in both male and female undergraduate students, but is less reliable for assessing ED behaviors, particularly in men.

Keywords: EDE-Q; Eating disorders; Test-retest reliability; Undergraduate men and women.


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Source: PubMed
