Sedentary Behaviors and Physical Activity of Italian Undergraduate Students during Lockdown at the Time of CoViD-19 Pandemic

Francesca Gallè, Elita Anna Sabella, Stefano Ferracuti, Osvalda De Giglio, Giuseppina Caggiano, Carmela Protano, Federica Valeriani, Eduardo Alfonso Parisi, Giuliana Valerio, Giorgio Liguori, Maria Teresa Montagna, Vincenzo Romano Spica, Giovanna Da Molin, Giovanni Battista Orsi, Christian Napoli, Francesca Gallè, Elita Anna Sabella, Stefano Ferracuti, Osvalda De Giglio, Giuseppina Caggiano, Carmela Protano, Federica Valeriani, Eduardo Alfonso Parisi, Giuliana Valerio, Giorgio Liguori, Maria Teresa Montagna, Vincenzo Romano Spica, Giovanna Da Molin, Giovanni Battista Orsi, Christian Napoli


Background: From March to May 2020, lockdown measures were adopted in Italy to contain the epidemic of the novel Coronavirus. People were forced to restrict their movement and social contacts, therefore having a higher risk of inactivity. This study, carried out among Italian undergraduates, explored their sedentary and physical activities (PA) during the lockdown with respect to their previous habits. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was administered once to students attending three Italian universities after the end of lockdown. Results: A total of 1430 students (mean age 22.9 ± 3.5 years, 65.5% females) completed the questionnaire. All the sedentary behaviors increased significantly, and all the physical activities decreased significantly during the lockdown. Time spent using electronic devices showed the highest increase (+52.4 min/day), and walking the greatest decrease (-365.5 min/week). Being younger than 22 years old, female, and previously active, attending the universities of Naples and Rome and having at least one graduate parent were associated with the achievement of recommended levels of PA even during the lockdown. Conclusions: This study highlights the reduction of PA among Italian undergraduates in the course of home-confinement due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. The practice of adequate PA during the lockdown was mainly associated with the previous adoption of an active lifestyle. Promoting active lifestyles during the non-pandemic period may have had positive effects also in case of lockdown.

Keywords: CoViD-19; lockdown; physical activity; sedentary behaviors; undergraduates.

Conflict of interest statement

The Authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Mean time spent by participants in specific sedentary behaviors before (T0) and during (T1) the lockdown with corresponding change values. * p < 0.05.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Mean time spent by participants in walking, moderate and vigorous Physical Activity (PA) before (T0) and during (T1) the lockdown with corresponding change values. * p < 0.05.


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