Parenteral nutrition: Revisited

Koneru Veera Raghava Chowdary, Pothula Narasimha Reddy, Koneru Veera Raghava Chowdary, Pothula Narasimha Reddy


The prevalence of malnutrition among critically ill patients, especially those with a protracted clinical course, has remained largely unchanged over the last two decades. The metabolic response to stress, injury, surgery, or inflammation cannot be accurately predicted and these metabolic alterations may change during the course of illness. Both underfeeding and overfeeding are common in intensive care units (ICU), resulting in large energy and other nutritional imbalances. Systematic research and clinical trials on various aspects of nutritional support in the ICU are limited and make it challenging to compile evidence-based practice guidelines.

Keywords: BEE; Parenteral nutrition; critically ill; nutrients.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None declared


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