An online pilates exercise program is effective on proprioception and core muscle endurance in a randomized controlled trial

Sinem Suner-Keklik, Ayse Numanoglu-Akbas, Gamze Cobanoglu, Nihan Kafa, Nevin A Guzel, Sinem Suner-Keklik, Ayse Numanoglu-Akbas, Gamze Cobanoglu, Nihan Kafa, Nevin A Guzel


Background: Proprioception is important for stability of body segments, postural control, and functionality. However, there are no studies in literature showing effects of online Pilates exercises that create proprioceptive inputs on vertebra on trunk proprioception.

Aims: This study aims to reveal effect of online Pilates exercises conducted on trunk proprioception and core muscle endurance in healthy individuals.

Methods: We included thirty-three healthy individuals between ages of 18 and 25 in study. Individuals were randomly divided into two groups. There were 17 individuals in Pilates group (PG), and 16 individuals in control group (CG). The PG was given online Pilates exercises by the physiotherapist in groups 3 days a week for 6 weeks, 1 h a day. There was no exercise program recommended for individuals in CG. We evaluated trunk proprioception with an inclinometer, core muscle endurance with three core endurance tests created by McGill, and prone bridge tests. All evaluations completed just before start of study and 2 days after 6-week training.

Results: Two groups had similar demographic characteristics, and there was no difference between baseline measurements (p > 0.05). While improvement observed in PG in trunk proprioception and all of core muscle endurance tests (p < 0.05), no statistically significant difference reported in CG (p > 0.05).

Conclusions: We revealed that online Pilates exercises performed at mat level for 6 weeks in healthy individuals had positive effects on trunk proprioception and core muscle endurance with this study. Contribution of Pilates exercises to development of both muscular endurance and proprioceptive senses, even if performed at a distance, is important.

Keywords: Core muscle endurance; Online exercise; Pilates; Proprioception.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing interests.

© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
CONSORT flowchart showing participation in the study


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