The human amygdala parametrically encodes the intensity of specific facial emotions and their categorical ambiguity

Shuo Wang, Rongjun Yu, J Michael Tyszka, Shanshan Zhen, Christopher Kovach, Sai Sun, Yi Huang, Rene Hurlemann, Ian B Ross, Jeffrey M Chung, Adam N Mamelak, Ralph Adolphs, Ueli Rutishauser, Shuo Wang, Rongjun Yu, J Michael Tyszka, Shanshan Zhen, Christopher Kovach, Sai Sun, Yi Huang, Rene Hurlemann, Ian B Ross, Jeffrey M Chung, Adam N Mamelak, Ralph Adolphs, Ueli Rutishauser


The human amygdala is a key structure for processing emotional facial expressions, but it remains unclear what aspects of emotion are processed. We investigated this question with three different approaches: behavioural analysis of 3 amygdala lesion patients, neuroimaging of 19 healthy adults, and single-neuron recordings in 9 neurosurgical patients. The lesion patients showed a shift in behavioural sensitivity to fear, and amygdala BOLD responses were modulated by both fear and emotion ambiguity (the uncertainty that a facial expression is categorized as fearful or happy). We found two populations of neurons, one whose response correlated with increasing degree of fear, or happiness, and a second whose response primarily decreased as a linear function of emotion ambiguity. Together, our results indicate that the human amygdala processes both the degree of emotion in facial expressions and the categorical ambiguity of the emotion shown and that these two aspects of amygdala processing can be most clearly distinguished at the level of single neurons.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing financial interests.


Figure 1. Behavioural results.
Figure 1. Behavioural results.
(a) Task. A face was presented for 1 s followed by a question asking subjects to identify the facial emotion (fearful or happy). After a blank screen of 500 ms, subjects were then asked to indicate their confidence in their decision (‘1' for ‘very sure', ‘2' for ‘sure' or ‘3' for ‘unsure'). Faces are not shown to scale. (b) Sample stimuli of one female identity ranging from 0% fear/100% happy to 100% fear/0% happy. (cq) Behavioural results. (c) Group average of psychometric curves. The psychometric curves show the proportion of trials judged as fearful as a function of morph levels (ranging from 0% fearful (100% happy; on the left) to 100% fearful (0% happy; on the right)). Shaded area denotes ±s.e.m. across subjects/sessions (n=3, 14, 15). The top bars illustrate the points with significant difference between amygdala lesion patients and neurosurgical patients (green; unpaired two-tailed t-test, P<0.05, corrected by FDR for Q<0.05) and between amygdala lesion patients and healthy controls (yellow). (d) Inflection point of the logistic function (xhalf). (e) Steepness of the psychometric curve (α). Individual values are shown on the left and average values are shown on the right. Error bars denote one s.e.m. across subjects/sessions. Asterisks indicate significant difference using unpaired two-tailed t-test. *P<0.05, and **P<0.01. NS: not significant (P>0.05). (fq) Confidence ratings for lesion (fi), neurosurgical (jm) and control (nq) subjects. (f,j,n) Explicit confidence ratings showed highest confidence for anchor faces and lowest for the most ambiguous (50% fear/50% happy) faces. (g,k,o) The RT for the fear/happy decision can be considered as an implicit measure of confidence because it showed a similar pattern as the explicit ratings. For the neural analysis, we grouped the seven morph levels into three levels of ambiguity (anchor, 30%/70% morph, 40–60% morph). Both explicit (h,l,p) and implicit (i,m,q) confidence measures varied systematically as a function of ambiguity. The behavioural patterns of all three subject groups were comparable. Error bars denote one s.e.m. across subjects/sessions.
Figure 2. fMRI results.
Figure 2. fMRI results.
(a) Fear levels were negatively correlated with the BOLD activity in the left amygdala. Here we used a functional amygdala ROI defined by the localizer task (see Methods section). The generated statistical parametric map was superimposed on anatomical sections of the standardized MNI T1-weighted brain template. Images are in neurological format with subject left on image left. R: right. (b) Parameter estimate (beta values) of the GLM for each fear level (Pearson correlation: r=−0.79, P=0.034). The colour scale denotes increasing degree of fear (cf. Fig. 1b). Error bars denote one s.e.m. across 19 subjects. (c) Ambiguity levels were correlated with the BOLD activity in the right amygdala (functional ROI defined by localizer task). (d) Time course of the BOLD response in the right amygdala (averaged across all voxels in the cluster) in units of TR (TR=2 s) relative to face onset. Error bars denote one s.e.m. across subjects. One-way repeated ANOVA at each TR: *P<0.05. (e) Parameter estimate of the GLM for each ambiguity level (one-way repeated-measure ANOVA, P=0.0025). Error bars denote one s.e.m. across subjects. Asterisks indicate significant difference between conditions using paired two-tailed t-test. *P<0.05. (f) Mean GLM parameter estimate of all voxels within the functional ROI for each side of the amygdala and for each aspect of the emotion coding. Error bars denote one s.e.m. across subjects. T-test against 0: **P<0.01, and +: P<0.1. (g) Peak voxel activity within the basolateral nuclei (BLA) and central nuclei (CeA) for each aspect of the emotion coding.
Figure 3. Emotion-tracking neurons.
Figure 3. Emotion-tracking neurons.
(a) Example neuron that increased its firing rate as a function of %fear (linear regression, P=0.024). (b) Example neuron that increased its firing rate as a function of %happy (P=0.032). Right shows the average firing rate for each morph level 250- to 1,750-ms post-stimulus onset. Grey lines represent linear fit. Error bars denote ±s.e.m. across trials. Waveforms for each unit are shown at the left. (c) Histogram of regression R2. Neurons that had a higher firing rate for fearful faces are shown on the right of 0, whereas neurons that had a higher firing rate for happy faces are shown on the left. Fear-tracking neurons are in red, happy-tracking neurons are in blue, whereas non-emotion-tracking neurons are in grey. (d) Slope of linear regression fit. Grey: non-emotion-tracking neurons. Red: fear-tracking neurons. Blue: happy-tracking neurons.
Figure 4. Ambiguity-coding neurons.
Figure 4. Ambiguity-coding neurons.
(a,b) Two example neurons that fire most to the anchors and least to the most ambiguous stimuli (linear regression: P<0.05). Each raster (top), PSTH (middle) and average firing rate (bottom) is colour coded according to ambiguity levels as indicated. Trials are aligned to face stimulus onset (left grey bar, fixed 1 s duration) and sorted by RT (black line). PSTH bin size is 250 ms. Shaded area and error bars denote ±s.e.m. across trials. Asterisk indicates a significant difference between the conditions in that bin (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni-corrected). Bottom left shows the average firing rate for each morph level 250- to 1,750-ms post-stimulus-onset. Bottom right shows the average firing rate for each ambiguity level 250- to 1,750-ms post-stimulus onset. Asterisks indicate significant difference between levels of ambiguity using unpaired two-tailed t-test. **P<0.01 and +: P<0.1. Waveforms for each unit are shown at the top of the raster plot. (c,d) Average normalized firing rate of ambiguity-coding neurons that increased (n=29) and decreased (n=3) their firing rate for the least ambiguous faces, respectively. Asterisk indicates a significant difference between the conditions in that bin (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni-corrected). (e,f) Mean normalized firing rate at each morph level (e) and ambiguity level (f) for 29 units that increased their spike rate for less ambiguous faces. (g,h) Mean normalized firing rate at each morph level (g) and ambiguity level (h) for 3 units that increased their spike rate for more ambiguous faces. Normalized firing rate for each unit (left) and mean±s.e.m. across units (right) are shown at each level. Asterisks indicate significant difference between conditions using paired two-tailed t-test. ***P<0.001. (i) Histogram of AUC values for ambiguity-coding neurons (orange) and unselected neurons that are neither ambiguity coding nor emotion tracking (grey). (j) Histogram of AUC values for emotion-tracking neurons (purple) and unselected neurons that are neither ambiguity coding nor emotion tracking (grey). (k) Cumulative distribution of the AUC values. (ik) Ambiguity-coding neurons did not differentiate fearful versus happy emotions with anchor faces (similar AUC values as unselected neurons) but emotion-coding neurons did (greater AUC values than unselected neurons).
Figure 5. Population analysis of all recorded…
Figure 5. Population analysis of all recorded neurons (n=234) using a regression model and effect size metric ω2.
(a,b) Time course of the effect size averaged across all neurons. (a) Morph levels. (b) Ambiguity levels. Trials are aligned to face stimulus onset (left grey bar, fixed 1 s duration). Bin size is 500 ms and step size is 100 ms. Neurons from permutation were averaged across 500 runs. Shaded area denotes ±s.e.m. across neurons. Dashed horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence interval estimated from the permuted distribution. Asterisk indicates a significant difference between the observed average across neurons versus permuted average across neurons in that bin (permutation P<0.05, Bonferroni-corrected). (cl) Summary of the effect size across all runs. Effect size was computed in a 1.5-s window starting 250 ms after stimulus onset (single fixed window, not a moving window) and was averaged across all neurons for each run. Grey and red vertical lines indicate the chance mean effect size and the observed effect size, respectively. The observed effect size was well above 0, whereas the mean effect size in the permutation test was near 0. (c) Regression model for morph levels (permutation P<0.001). (d) Regression model for ambiguity levels (P<0.001). (eg) Regression model for decision of emotion (fear or happy) with (e) all faces (P<0.001), (f) all ambiguous faces (all morphed faces; P<0.001), (g) the most ambiguous faces (40–60% morph; P=0.006) and (h) the most ambiguous faces with equal number of fear/happy responses for each identity (P=0.002). (il) Regression model for confidence judgment (i) with all faces (P<0.001), (j) at the 30% fear/70% happy morph level (P<0.001), (k) at the 50% fear/50% happy morph level (P=0.026) and (l) at the 30% fear/70% happy morph level (P=0.028).


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