Delirium in older adults

Dennis M Popeo, Dennis M Popeo


Delirium is a common neuropsychiatric syndrome in the elderly that can occur in several different settings caused by several different processes. It is common and causes increased morbidity and mortality to those affected. This clinical review discusses the prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of delirium in the elderly population. Several strategies to predict delirium are noted with the discussion of pharmacological and nonpharmacological trials of prevention and treatment. Diagnosis of delirium, specifically with the use of objective instruments, is discussed, as is the evidence for pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment strategies. Discussion of the neurobiology and genetic markers for delirium may elucidate further areas for future research.

© 2011 Mount Sinai School of Medicine.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Illness is the prerequisite for delirium, but the medications used to combat illness and the resulting interventions can also lead to delirium, and interact with each other to cause delirium

Source: PubMed
