Behaviour-focused pain coping: consistency and convergence to work capability of the swedish version of the chronic pain coping inventory

John Ektor-Andersen, Palle Orbaek, Sven-Olof Isacsson, Malmö Shoulder-Neck Study Group, John Ektor-Andersen, Palle Orbaek, Sven-Olof Isacsson, Malmö Shoulder-Neck Study Group


The aim was to study the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Chronic Pain Coping Inventory. The material consisted of a group of 100 subjects recruited from a large population study. Pain status and the absence of pain-related sick leave during the previous year conditioned inclusion. Another group comprised 160 patients on the long-term sick list and who had been referred to a multidisciplinary pain clinic for evaluation. The psychometric properties in terms of internal consistency of the scales were good or very good for all scales of behaviour-focused pain coping. Use of the strategies "Guarding", "Resting", "Asking for assistance", "Relaxation", "Task persistence", "Coping self-statements" and "Seeking social support" was significantly related to vocational capability. "Guarding". "Asking for assistance", "Relaxation", "Exercise and stretch" and "Coping self-statements" increased in parallel to increasing pain from localized to intermediate or widespread. No gender difference was found in cases reporting more pronounced pain.

Source: PubMed
