Supporting Carers of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders in Austria (SUCCEAT): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Claudia Franta, Julia Philipp, Karin Waldherr, Stefanie Truttmann, Elisabeth Merl, Gabriele Schöfbeck, Doris Koubek, Clarissa Laczkovics, Hartmut Imgart, Annika Zanko, Michael Zeiler, Janet Treasure, Andreas Karwautz, Gudrun Wagner, Claudia Franta, Julia Philipp, Karin Waldherr, Stefanie Truttmann, Elisabeth Merl, Gabriele Schöfbeck, Doris Koubek, Clarissa Laczkovics, Hartmut Imgart, Annika Zanko, Michael Zeiler, Janet Treasure, Andreas Karwautz, Gudrun Wagner


Supporting Carers of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders in Austria (SUCCEAT) is an intervention for carers of children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa. This paper describes the study protocol for a randomised controlled trial including the process and economic evaluation. Carers are randomly allocated to one of the 2 SUCCEAT intervention formats, either 8 weekly 2-hr workshop sessions (n = 48) or web-based modules (n = 48), and compared with a nonrandomised control group (n = 48). SUCCEAT includes the cognitive-interpersonal model, cognitive behavioural elements, and motivational interviewing. The goal is to provide support for carers to improve their own well-being and to support their children. Outcome measures include carers' distress, anxiety, depression, expressed emotions, needs, motivation to change, experiences of caregiving, and skills. Further outcome measures are the patients' eating disorder symptoms, emotional problems, behavioural problems, quality of life, motivation to change, and perceived expressed emotions. These are measured before and after the intervention, and 1-year follow-up.

Trial registration: NCT02480907.

Keywords: anorexia nervosa; carers; children and adolescents; motivational interviewing; skills training.

© 2018 The Authors. European Eating Disorders Review Published by Eating Disorders Association and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Diagram of the trial design of the intervention: Supporting Carers of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders in Austria


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