Validation of the Spanish version of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS)

Manuel Vergara-Romero, José Miguel Morales-Asencio, Angelines Morales-Fernández, Jose Carlos Canca-Sanchez, Francisco Rivas-Ruiz, Jose Antonio Reinaldo-Lapuerta, Manuel Vergara-Romero, José Miguel Morales-Asencio, Angelines Morales-Fernández, Jose Carlos Canca-Sanchez, Francisco Rivas-Ruiz, Jose Antonio Reinaldo-Lapuerta


Background: Preoperative anxiety is a frequent and challenging problem with deleterious effects on the development of surgical procedures and postoperative outcomes. To prevent and treat preoperative anxiety effectively, the level of anxiety of patients needs to be assessed through valid and reliable measuring instruments. One such measurement tool is the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS), of which a Spanish version has not been validated yet.

Objective: To perform a Spanish cultural adaptation and empirical validation of the APAIS for assessing preoperative anxiety in the Spanish population.

Methods: A two-step forward/back translation of the APAIS scale was performed to ensure a reliable Spanish cultural adaptation. The final Spanish version of the APAIS questionnaire was administered to 529 patients between the ages of 18 to 70 undergoing elective surgery at hospitals of the Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol (Spain). Cronbach's alpha, homogeneity index, intra-class correlation coefficient, and confirmatory factor analysis were calculated to assess internal consistency and criteria and construct validity.

Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that a one-factor model was better fitted than a two-factor model, with good fitting patterns (root mean square error of approximation: 0.05, normed-fit index: 0.99, goodness-of-fit statistic: 0.99). The questionnaire showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.84) and a good correlation with the Goldberg Anxiety Scale (CCI: 0.62 (95% CI: 0.55 to 0.68).

Conclusions: The Spanish version of the APAIS is a valid and reliable preoperative anxiety measurement tool and shows psychometric properties similar to those obtained by similar previous studies.

Keywords: Preoperative anxiety; Questionnaires; Validation studies.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Process of cross-cultural adaptation
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Patient flowchart
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Instrument structure
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Predictive validity using goldberg as gold standard


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