Machine learning-based classification of chronic traumatic brain injury using hybrid diffusion imaging

Jennifer J Muller, Ruixuan Wang, Devon Milddleton, Mahdi Alizadeh, Ki Chang Kang, Ryan Hryczyk, George Zabrecky, Chloe Hriso, Emily Navarreto, Nancy Wintering, Anthony J Bazzan, Chengyuan Wu, Daniel A Monti, Xun Jiao, Qianhong Wu, Andrew B Newberg, Feroze B Mohamed, Jennifer J Muller, Ruixuan Wang, Devon Milddleton, Mahdi Alizadeh, Ki Chang Kang, Ryan Hryczyk, George Zabrecky, Chloe Hriso, Emily Navarreto, Nancy Wintering, Anthony J Bazzan, Chengyuan Wu, Daniel A Monti, Xun Jiao, Qianhong Wu, Andrew B Newberg, Feroze B Mohamed


Background and purpose: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause progressive neuropathology that leads to chronic impairments, creating a need for biomarkers to detect and monitor this condition to improve outcomes. This study aimed to analyze the ability of data-driven analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion imaging (NODDI) to develop biomarkers to infer symptom severity and determine whether they outperform conventional T1-weighted imaging.

Materials and methods: A machine learning-based model was developed using a dataset of hybrid diffusion imaging of patients with chronic traumatic brain injury. We first extracted the useful features from the hybrid diffusion imaging (HYDI) data and then used supervised learning algorithms to classify the outcome of TBI. We developed three models based on DTI, NODDI, and T1-weighted imaging, and we compared the accuracy results across different models.

Results: Compared with the conventional T1-weighted imaging-based classification with an accuracy of 51.7-56.8%, our machine learning-based models achieved significantly better results with DTI-based models at 58.7-73.0% accuracy and NODDI with an accuracy of 64.0-72.3%.

Conclusion: The machine learning-based feature selection and classification algorithm based on hybrid diffusion features significantly outperform conventional T1-weighted imaging. The results suggest that advanced algorithms can be developed for inferring symptoms of chronic brain injury using feature selection and diffusion-weighted imaging.

Keywords: diffusion tensor imaging (DTI); hybrid diffusion imaging; machine learning; neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI); traumatic brain injury.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Copyright © 2023 Muller, Wang, Milddleton, Alizadeh, Kang, Hryczyk, Zabrecky, Hriso, Navarreto, Wintering, Bazzan, Wu, Monti, Jiao, Wu, Newberg and Mohamed.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Flow chart representing machine learning (ML) approach for cTBI classification. Step 1 consists of feature extraction including image acquisition, preprocessing, image normalization and skeletonization using TBSS, and atlas registration. The dataset was divided into training and test datasets for K-fold CV, calculating the mean accuracy of each model.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Heatmap showing mean accuracy performance of different ML algorithms for a trail making A and B. All 20 JHU atlas regions are used as features for the above figure. Mean accuracy results based on T1 inferences are highlighted in red and are expressed in percentages.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Feature ranking results for DTI (A), NODDI (B), and T1 (C) regions. Features are displayed if they were ranked as significant for both trail making A and B. Results of 6-feature KNN are displayed in light blue, compared with 20-feature KNN results in dark blue (D).


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