Neuropsychology of prefrontal cortex

Shazia Veqar Siddiqui, Ushri Chatterjee, Devvarta Kumar, Aleem Siddiqui, Nishant Goyal, Shazia Veqar Siddiqui, Ushri Chatterjee, Devvarta Kumar, Aleem Siddiqui, Nishant Goyal


The history of clinical frontal lobe study is long and rich which provides valuable insights into neuropsychologic determinants of functions of prefrontal cortex (PFC). PFC is often classified as multimodal association cortex as extremely processed information from various sensory modalities is integrated here in a precise fashion to form the physiologic constructs of memory, perception, and diverse cognitive processes. Human neuropsychologic studies also support the notion of different functional operations within the PFC. The specification of the component 'executive' processes and their localization to particular regions of PFC have been implicated in a wide variety of psychiatric disorders.

Keywords: Attention; executive functions; neuropsychology; prefrontal cortex.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None declared


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