Sample size estimation in diagnostic test studies of biomedical informatics

Karimollah Hajian-Tilaki, Karimollah Hajian-Tilaki


Objectives: This review provided a conceptual framework of sample size calculations in the studies of diagnostic test accuracy in various conditions and test outcomes.

Methods: The formulae of sample size calculations for estimation of adequate sensitivity/specificity, likelihood ratio and AUC as an overall index of accuracy and also for testing in single modality and comparing two diagnostic tasks have been presented for desired confidence interval.

Results: The required sample sizes were calculated and tabulated with different levels of accuracies and marginal errors with 95% confidence level for estimating and for various effect sizes with 80% power for purpose of testing as well. The results show how sample size is varied with accuracy index and effect size of interest.

Conclusion: This would help the clinicians when designing diagnostic test studies that an adequate sample size is chosen based on statistical principles in order to guarantee the reliability of study.

Keywords: Area under the curve; Diagnostic studies; ROC analysis; Sample size; Sensitivity; Specificity.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Source: PubMed
