Expected value prioritization of prompts and reminders

Stephen M Downs, Hasmet Uner, Stephen M Downs, Hasmet Uner


Computer-based prompting and reminder systems have been shown to be highly effective in increasing rates of preventive services delivery. However, there are many more recommended preventive services than can be practically included in a typical clinic visit. Therefore prioritization of preventive services prompts is necessary. We describe two approaches to prioritizing preventive services prompts based on expected value decision making. One method involves a static, global prioritization across all preventive services and has been used in a production system for almost 7 years. The second method uses influence diagrams to prioritize prompts dynamically, based on individual patient data. The latter approach is still under development. Both methods are labor intensive and require a combination of epidemiologic data and expert judgment. Compromises in strictly normative process were necessary to achieve user satisfaction.


    1. Am J Prev Med. 1992 May-Jun;8(3):150-3
    1. JAMA. 1998 Oct 21;280(15):1339-46
    1. Pediatrics. 1997 May;99(5):704-10
    1. Mayo Clin Proc. 1993 Aug;68(8):785-91

Source: PubMed
