Type 2 diabetes exaggerates exercise effort and impairs exercise performance in older women

A G Huebschmann, W M Kohrt, L Herlache, P Wolfe, S Daugherty, J Eb Reusch, T A Bauer, J G Regensteiner, A G Huebschmann, W M Kohrt, L Herlache, P Wolfe, S Daugherty, J Eb Reusch, T A Bauer, J G Regensteiner


Objective: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with high levels of disability and mortality. Regular exercise prevents premature disability and mortality, but people with T2DM are generally sedentary for reasons that are not fully established. We previously observed that premenopausal women with T2DM report greater effort during exercise than their counterparts without diabetes, as measured by the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. We hypothesized that RPE is greater in older women with T2DM versus no T2DM.

Research design and methods: We enrolled overweight, sedentary women aged 50-75 years with (n=26) or without T2DM (n=28). Participants performed submaximal cycle ergometer exercise at 30 W and 35% of individually-measured peak oxygen consumption (35% VO2peak). We assessed exercise effort by RPE (self-report) and plasma lactate concentration.

Results: VO2peak was lower in T2DM versus controls (p=0.003). RPE was not significantly greater in T2DM versus controls (30 W: Control, 10.4±3.2, T2DM, 11.7±2.3, p=0.08; 35% VO2peak: Control, 11.1±0.5, T2DM, 12.1±0.5, p=0.21). However, lactate was greater in T2DM versus controls (p=0.004 at 30 W; p<0.05 at 35% VO2peak). Greater RPE was associated with higher lactate, higher heart rate, and a hypertension diagnosis (p<0.05 at 30 W and 35% VO2peak).

Conclusions: Taken together, physiological measures of exercise effort were greater in older women with T2DM than controls. Exercise effort is a modifiable and thereby targetable end point. In order to facilitate regular exercise, methods to reduce exercise effort in T2DM should be sought.

Trial number: NCT00785005.

Keywords: Behavior Research; Exercise Habits; Physical Activity Epidemiology; Type 2 Diabetes.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Conceptual model of perceived effort during exercise.
Figure 2
Figure 2
(A) Group differences in rating of perceived exertion over time at 30 W. (B) Group differences in rating of perceived exertion over time at 35% VO2peak. (C) Higher lactate concentrations in T2DM during rest and exercise.


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