Behavioural activation for depression; an update of meta-analysis of effectiveness and sub group analysis

David Ekers, Lisa Webster, Annemieke Van Straten, Pim Cuijpers, David Richards, Simon Gilbody, David Ekers, Lisa Webster, Annemieke Van Straten, Pim Cuijpers, David Richards, Simon Gilbody


Background: Depression is a common, disabling condition for which psychological treatments are recommended. Behavioural activation has attracted increased interest in recent years. It has been over 5 years since our meta-analyses summarised the evidence supporting and this systematic review updates those findings and examines moderators of treatment effect.

Method: Randomised trials of behavioural activation for depression versus controls or anti-depressant medication were identified using electronic database searches, previous reviews and reference lists. Data on symptom level and study level moderators were extracted and analysed using meta-analysis, sub-group analysis and meta-regression respectively.

Results: Twenty six randomised controlled trials including 1524 subjects were included in this meta-analysis. A random effects meta-analysis of symptom level post treatment showed behavioural activation to be superior to controls (SMD -0.74 CI -0.91 to -0.56, k = 25, N = 1088) and medication (SMD -0.42 CI -0.83 to-0.00, k = 4, N = 283). Study quality was low in the majority of studies and follow- up time periods short. There was no indication of publication bias and subgroup analysis showed limited association between moderators and effect size.

Conclusions: The results in this meta-analysis support and strengthen the evidence base indicating Behavioural Activation is an effective treatment for depression. Further high quality research with longer term follow-up is needed to strengthen the evidence base.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1. Flowchart of study inclusion.
Figure 1. Flowchart of study inclusion.
Figure 2. Behavioural Activation vs. control post…
Figure 2. Behavioural Activation vs. control post treatment (ordered by effect size high to low).
Figure 3. Behavioural Activation vs. Antidepressant medication.
Figure 3. Behavioural Activation vs. Antidepressant medication.


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