Chinese University of Hong Kong

Phone: 852 3943 5886 / 9681 4010



The Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences (CUHK DOVS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was the first academic ophthalmology department in Hong Kong, with Prof. Mark O.M. Tso as our Founding Chairman in 1994. Prof. Mark Tso was succeeded by Prof. Dennis S.C. Lam as Chairman in 1998, and then by Prof. Calvin C.P. Pang from 2012 to 2015. Our Department consists of two main functional units: the CUHK Eye Centre and the CUHK Ophthalmic Research Centre, as the clinical arm and research arm of the department, respectively. The CUHK Eye Centre includes the CUHK Private Eye Clinic which provides subspecialty-based clinical ophthalmic care to the public, the Clinical Drug Trial Centre which is accredited by the China NMPA for clinical drug trials, as well as the Pao So Kuk Macular Diseases Treatment and Research Centre.

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