Quantum biology in low level light therapy: death of a dogma

Andrei P Sommer, Peter Schemmer, Attila E Pavláth, Horst-Dieter Försterling, Ádám R Mester, Mario A Trelles, Andrei P Sommer, Peter Schemmer, Attila E Pavláth, Horst-Dieter Försterling, Ádám R Mester, Mario A Trelles


Background: It is shown that despite exponential increase in the number of clinically exciting results in low level light therapy (LLLT), scientific progress in the field is retarded by a wrong fundamental model employed to explain the photon-cell interaction as well as by an inadequate terminology. This is reflected by a methodological stagnation in LLLT, persisting since 1985. The choice of the topics is, by necessity, somewhat arbitrary. Obviously, we are writing more about the fields we know more about. In some cases, there are obvious objective reasons for the choice. Progress in LLLT is currently realized by a trial and error process, as opposed to a systematic approach based on a valid photon-cell interaction model.

Methods: The strategy to overcome the current problem consists in a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundation of LLLT, and if necessary, by introducing new interaction models and checking their validity on the basis of the two pillars of scientific advance (I) agreement with experiment and (II) predictive capability. The list of references used in this work, does contain a representative part of what has been done in the photon-cell interaction theory in recent years, considered as ascertained by the scientific community.

Results: Despite the immense literature on the involvement of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) in LLLT, the assumption that COX is the main mitochondrial photoacceptor for R-NIR photons no longer can be counted as part of the theoretical framework proper, at least not after we have addressed the misleading points in the literature. Here, we report the discovery of a coupled system in mitochondria whose working principle corresponds to that of field-effect transistor (FET). The functional interplay of cytochrome c (emitter) and COX (drain) with a nanoscopic interfacial water layer (gate) between the two enzymes forms a biological FET in which the gate is controlled by R-NIR photons. By reducing the viscosity of the nanoscopic interfacial water layers within and around the mitochondrial rotary motor in oxidatively stressed cells R-NIR light promotes the synthesis of extra adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Conclusions: Based on the results of our own work and a review of the published literature, we present the effect of R-NIR photons on nanoscopic interfacial water layers in mitochondria and cells as a novel understanding of the biomedical effects R-NIR light. The novel paradigm is in radical contrast to the theory that COX is the main absorber for R-NIR photons and responsible for the increase in ATP synthesis, a dogma propagated for more than 20 years.

Keywords: Low level light therapy (LLLT); adenosine triphosphate (ATP); biological field-effect transistor (FET); biostimulation; cytochrome c oxidase (COX); interfacial water; mitochondria; quantum biology.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm.2020.03.159). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

2020 Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Basic Arndt-Schultz curve (1).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Principle of the biological field-effect transistor (FET): The tunneling of electrons (not shown in the image) across the gate comprising the nanoscopic interfacial water layer formed by three monolayers of H2O (blue), confined between the enzymes cytochrome c acting as emitter (red) and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) acting as drain (green), is controlled by R-NIR photons. The expectation that exposure of the enzyme complex to biostimulatory intensities of R-NIR light induces an instant drop in the viscosity of the nanoscopic interfacial water layer confined in the space between emitter and drain, complemented by a spatial separation (volume expansion) is based on the results described in (44,49), respectively. The working principle of the FET can be understood on the basis of Eq. [1] and [2]. Image inspired by (48).


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