A shared framework for the common mental disorders and Non-Communicable Disease: key considerations for disease prevention and control

Adrienne O'Neil, Felice N Jacka, Shae E Quirk, Fiona Cocker, C Barr Taylor, Brian Oldenburg, Michael Berk, Adrienne O'Neil, Felice N Jacka, Shae E Quirk, Fiona Cocker, C Barr Taylor, Brian Oldenburg, Michael Berk


Background: Historically, the focus of Non Communicable Disease (NCD) prevention and control has been cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Collectively, these account for more deaths than any other NCDs. Despite recent calls to include the common mental disorders (CMDs) of depression and anxiety under the NCD umbrella, prevention and control of these CMDs remain largely separate and independent.

Discussion: In order to address this gap, we apply a framework recently proposed by the Centers for Disease Control with three overarching objectives: (1) to obtain better scientific information through surveillance, epidemiology, and prevention research; (2) to disseminate this information to appropriate audiences through communication and education; and (3) to translate this information into action through programs, policies, and systems. We conclude that a shared framework of this type is warranted, but also identify opportunities within each objective to advance this agenda and consider the potential benefits of this approach that may exist beyond the health care system.


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