Sleep physiology and sleep disorders in childhood

Hanan M El Shakankiry, Hanan M El Shakankiry


Sleep has long been considered as a passive phenomenon, but it is now clear that it is a period of intense brain activity involving higher cortical functions. Overall, sleep affects every aspect of a child's development, particularly higher cognitive functions. Sleep concerns are ranked as the fifth leading concern of parents. Close to one third of all children suffer from sleep disorders, the prevalence of which is increased in certain pediatric populations, such as children with special needs, children with psychiatric or medical diagnoses and children with autism or pervasive developmental disorders. The paper reviews sleep physiology and the impact, classification, and management of sleep disorders in the pediatric age group.

Keywords: childhood; epilepsy; sleep disorders; sleep physiology.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Schema of typical night sleep pattern of sleep states and stages. Abbreviations: REM, rapid eye movement; NREM, nonrapid eye movement. Note: Reprinted from: Adair RH, Bauchner H. Sleep problems in childhood. Current Problems in Pediatrics. 1993;23(4):147–170 with permission from Elsevier.


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