Supporting Family Caregivers in Providing Care

Susan C. Reinhard, Barbara Given, Nirvana Huhtala Petlick, Ann Bemis, Ronda G Hughes, Susan C. Reinhard, Barbara Given, Nirvana Huhtala Petlick, Ann Bemis, Ronda G Hughes


Family caregivers are critical partners in the plan of care for patients with chronic illnesses. Nurses should be concerned with several issues that affect patient safety and quality of care as the reliance on family caregiving grows. Improvement can be obtained through communication and caregiver support to strengthen caregiver competency and teach caregivers new skills that will enhance patient safety. Previous interventions and studies have shown improved caregiver outcomes when nurses are involved, but more research is needed. There is more to be learned about the effect of family caregivers on patient outcomes and areas of concern for patient safety. Nurses continue to play an important role in helping family caregivers become more confident and competent providers as they engage in the health care process.


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