A culturally adapted brief intervention for post-traumatic stress disorder in people with severe mental illness in Botswana: protocol for a randomised feasibility trial

Keneilwe Molebatsi, Lauren C Ng, Bonginkosi Chiliza, Keneilwe Molebatsi, Lauren C Ng, Bonginkosi Chiliza


Background: Research consistently reports elevated rates of exposure to traumatic events and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people with severe mental illness (SMI). PTSD may be adequately managed with psychotherapy; however, there is a gap when it comes to management in culturally diverse settings like Botswana. This paper describes a study protocol whose aim is to culturally adapt the BREATHE intervention, a brief psychological intervention for people living with comorbid PTSD and SMI that was developed and tested in the USA; assess the feasibility and acceptability of the adapted BREATHE intervention and explore its efficacy.

Methods: The study will be conducted in three phases using a mixed methods approach. The first phase will identify and describe the most common traumatic experiences and responses to traumatic experiences, amongst patients with SMI, and patients' and mental health care providers' perceptions about suitable PTSD interventions for Botswana. The second phase will entail cultural adaption of the intervention using findings from phase 1, and the third phase will be a pilot trial to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the culturally adapted intervention and explore its efficacy. Quantitative and qualitative data will be analysed using basic descriptive statistics and thematic analysis, respectively.

Discussion: Literature highlights cultural variations in the expression and management of mental illness suggesting the need for culturally adapted interventions. The findings of this feasibility study will be used to inform the design of a larger trial to assess the efficacy of an adapted brief intervention for PTSD in patients with SMI in Botswana.

Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov registration: NCT04426448 . Date of registration: June 7, 2020.

Keywords: Acceptability; Cultural adaptation; Feasibility; Psychoeducation; Psychological intervention; Trauma.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors declare no competing interests. KM is a PhD candidate and is financially supported by the University of Botswana to conduct this study.

© 2021. The Author(s).


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Key adaptation steps (adapted from [34]). Key: Asterisk indicates completed step


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