Deep sleep maintains learning efficiency of the human brain

Sara Fattinger, Toon T de Beukelaar, Kathy L Ruddy, Carina Volk, Natalie C Heyse, Joshua A Herbst, Richard H R Hahnloser, Nicole Wenderoth, Reto Huber, Sara Fattinger, Toon T de Beukelaar, Kathy L Ruddy, Carina Volk, Natalie C Heyse, Joshua A Herbst, Richard H R Hahnloser, Nicole Wenderoth, Reto Huber


It is hypothesized that deep sleep is essential for restoring the brain's capacity to learn efficiently, especially in regions heavily activated during the day. However, causal evidence in humans has been lacking due to the inability to sleep deprive one target area while keeping the natural sleep pattern intact. Here we introduce a novel approach to focally perturb deep sleep in motor cortex, and investigate the consequences on behavioural and neurophysiological markers of neuroplasticity arising from dedicated motor practice. We show that the capacity to undergo neuroplastic changes is reduced by wakefulness but restored during unperturbed sleep. This restorative process is markedly attenuated when slow waves are selectively perturbed in motor cortex, demonstrating that deep sleep is a requirement for maintaining sustainable learning efficiency.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing financial interests.


Figure 1. Overview of the experimental protocol.
Figure 1. Overview of the experimental protocol.
(a) After a familiarization session, volunteers participated in two experimental sessions. These were separated by 1 week, with both sessions including three separate learning assessments, the first in the morning of day 1 (Mor D1), the second in the evening on the same day (Eve D1), and a third in the morning the next day (Mor D2). During the night, sleep was recorded using high density EEG. In a cross-over counter balanced design, in one experimental session, slow waves were localy perturbed over left primary motor cortex by acoustic stimulation delivered time-locked to the donw-phase of sleep slow waves (STIM, yellow) while in the other experimental session no stimulation was applied (NOSTIM, green, b). During each learning assessment participatns were subjected to a new motor sequence training (finger taping task) and corticomotor excitability was measured via an IO curve before and after performing the motor sequence training, in order to determine changes indicative of motor plasticity as a consequence of training (c). (b) In the STIM sessions slow waves were perturbed using acoustic stimulation precisely time-locked to the down-phase of sleep slow waves (yellow arrows) detected in the electrode located closest to the sensorimotor representation of the trained hand (red electrode and signal). (c) During each learning assessment subjects acquired a new six-element motor sequence during 12 training trials (that is, 30 s tapping followed by 30 s rest) lasting 12 min in total. Changes in corticomotor excitability of the right first dorsal interosseus (FDI, red dot) were measured before motor training (TMS-PRE) and after (TMS-POST) via an input-output curve (IO curve).
Figure 2. Topographical distribution of low-slow wave…
Figure 2. Topographical distribution of low-slow wave activity.
Comparisons of low slow wave activity (low-SWA, 1–2 Hz) between NOSTIM and STIM sessions. (a) Topographical map of low-SWA of the two experimental nights scaled to maximum (red) and minimum (blue) power values (μV2/Hz). Red circles indicate the position of the TMS hotspot, the white circle indicates the position of the selected electrode for slow wave detection. Note, in the main experiment the TMS hotspot-electrodes and the selected electrodes for slow wave detection were the same. (b) Statistical comparison (t-values) of low-SWA between the STIM and NOSTIM sessions (paired t-test; n=13). Blue colours indicate a decrease and red colours an increase in low-SWA in the STIM compared to NOSTIM session. During STIM session sleep a reduction of low-SWA of 12.00±3.92% (P=0.009) in a local cluster of 9 electrodes over left sensory-motor area (white dots, P<0.05, after nonparametric cluster-based statistical testing) was found. See Methods section for further details.
Figure 3. Stimulation evoked effects on slow…
Figure 3. Stimulation evoked effects on slow waves.
Stimulation evoked modulation and induced changes on general slow wave characteristics in the hotspot-electrode. (a,b) Stimulation evoked modulation recorded at the hotspot-electrode during the NOSTIM and STIM sessions. The immediate up-slope (red) and duration (blue) of the initial single slow wave (see schema) are shown (mean values of the NOSTIM and STIM session for each subject). (c,d) Induced changes in slow wave characteristics during sleep. The down-slope of slow waves (green, mean down-slope) and the probability of slow waves (gray, defined as all waves with a peak-to-peak amplitude larger than 75 μV) are shown (mean values of the NOSTIM and STIM session of each subject). *P<0.05, **P<0.001, paired t-test; n=13. See Methods section for further details. (e,f) Topographical distribution of the comparison (t-values) for changes in general slow wave characteristics (similar to c,d). (e) Down-slope of slow waves (mean down slope) between STIM and NOSTIM sessions. (f) Probability of slow waves (defined as all waves with a peak-to-peak amplitude larger than 75 μV) between STIM and NOSTIM night. Blue colours indicate a decrease and red colours an increase in the STIM compared to NOSTIM session (paired t-test; n=13, white dots, P<0.05, after nonparametric cluster-based statistical testing).
Figure 4. Behavioural and neurophysiological markers.
Figure 4. Behavioural and neurophysiological markers.
Behavioural and neurophysiological markers of neuroplastic changes in response to motor training. Data (mean±s.e.m.) obtained for each learning assessment (Mor D1, Eve D1, Mor D2) are shown for both the NOSTIM session (green) and the STIM session (yellow) as separate learning curves (a) for Performance Scores (% correct sequences divided by inter-tap interval in s, n=11) and (b) for Variability (average s.d. of inter-tap intervals in completed sequencesn, n=11). (c,d) Input-output curves for the first dorsal interosseous muscle, n=10) (see Supplementary Fig. 4 for other intrinsic hand muscles). See Methods for further details.
Figure 5. Correlation analysis between low-slow wave…
Figure 5. Correlation analysis between low-slow wave activity changes and neoplastic changes in response to motor training.
(a) Hotspot-electrode locations for each subject depicted on top of the topographical map showing low-SWA differences between the STIM and the NOSTIM sessions (blue colours indicate less SWA during STIM sleep; n=13). (b) Plateau performance of Tapping Variability (n=11) for each learning assessment in both the STIM and NOSTIM session. (c) Changes in corticomotor excitability (n=10) for each learning assessment were summarized by a Facilitation Index. A FacIndex>1 indicates an increase in corticomotor excitability from PRE to POST (see Fig. 4c,d), while a FacIndex<1 indicates a decrease. (d) Rank ordered SWA ratio (SWA STIM/SWA NOSTIM) calculated for the hotspot-electrode of all subjects included in the correlation analysis. Note that small SWA ratios (<1) indicate that less SWA was observed in the STIM than in the NOSTIM session. (e) Overnight change in Variability was calculated for all subjects included in the correlation analysis. Note that a Variability Δ ratio<0 indicates an overnight increase in Variability in the STIM compared to NOSTIM session. (f) The perturbation related effect on the overnight change in FacIndex was calculated for all subjects included in the correlation analysis. Note that a higher FacIndex Δ ratio indicates a loss in the capacity to exhibit a training-induced increase of corticomotor excitability in the STIM session compared to NOSTIM session. (g) There was no significant correlation between Variability Δ ratio and FacIndex Δ ratio (n=7). (h) The SWA ratio and Variability Δ ratio exhibited a significant positive correlation indicating that a large reduction of SWA during the STIM night was associated with a larger overnight increase in variability when compared to the NOSTIM session (n=10). (i) The SWA ratio and FacIndex Δ ratio exhibited a significant negative correlation indicating that a large reduction of SWA during the STIM night was associated with smaller increases in corticomotor excitability in response to motor learning (n=9). Spearman’s rho coefficient, #post hoc analysis STIM vs NOSTIM (P<0.03—adjusted alpha level); vertical bars denote s.e.m.s. See Methods section for further details.
Figure 6. Control experiment and comparison to…
Figure 6. Control experiment and comparison to the main experiment.
Control experiment targeting right temporo-parietal cortex (white circle) during STIM nights (n=7). (a) Topographical map of low-SWA (1–2 Hz) of the two experimental nights scaled to maximum (red) and minimum (blue) power values (μV2 per Hz). The red circle indicates the location of the individuals’ TMS hotspot which clearly differed from the electrodes selected for local slow wave perturbation (white circle). (b) Statistical comparison (t values) of low-SWA between the STIM and NOSTIM sessions (paired t-test; n=7, white dots, P<0.05, uncorrected). Blue colors indicate a decrease and red colors indicate an increase in low-SWA in the STIM compared to the NOSTIM session. (c) SWA ratio over the hotspot-electrode (red circle in a,b) for the main and control experiment. Comparison of the Variability Δ ratio (d) and the FacIndex Δ ratio (e) between the main experiment and control experiment, using Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests (P values above brackets). Box-plots: middle line indicates the median, the bottom and top of the box indicate the first and third quartiles, whiskers extend to 1.5 × the IQR. Stars indicate significant deviations from the value representing ‘no change’ (1 for c and 0 for d,e). See Methods section for further details.


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