Predicting surgical outcomes for chronic exertional compartment syndrome using a machine learning framework with embedded trust by interrogation strategies

Andrew Houston, Georgina Cosma, Phillipa Turner, Alexander Bennett, Andrew Houston, Georgina Cosma, Phillipa Turner, Alexander Bennett


Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) is a condition occurring most frequently in the lower limbs and often requires corrective surgery to alleviate symptoms. Amongst military personnel, the success rates of this surgery can be as low as 20%, presenting a challenge in determining whether surgery is worthwhile. In this study, the data of 132 fasciotomies for CECS was analysed and using combinatorial feature selection methods, coupled with input from clinicians, identified a set of key clinical features contributing to the occupational outcomes of surgery. Features were utilised to develop a machine learning model for predicting return-to-work outcomes 12-months post-surgery. An AUC of 0.85 ± 0.08 was achieved using a linear-SVM, trained using 6 features (height, mean arterial pressure, pre-surgical score on the exercise-induced leg pain questionnaire, time from initial presentation to surgery, and whether a patient had received a prior surgery for CECS). To facilitate trust and transparency, interrogation strategies were used to identify reasons why certain patients were misclassified, using instance hardness measures. Model interrogation revealed that patient difficulty was associated with an overlap in the clinical characteristics of surgical outcomes, which was best handled by XGBoost and SVM-based models. The methodology was compiled into a machine learning framework, termed AITIA, which can be applied to other clinical problems. AITIA extends the typical machine learning pipeline, integrating the proposed interrogation strategy, allowing to user to reason and decide whether to trust the developed model based on the sensibility of its decision-making.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no competing interests.

© 2021. The Author(s).


Figure 1
Figure 1
The Spearman’s rank correlation matrix used to identify co-linear features within the dataset. Cells with darker shades of red reflect a positive relationship between the two features associated with that cell, and cells with darker shades of blue reflect a negative relationship between the two associated features. A correlation of 1.0 indicates a perfect positive correlation, and a correlation of − 1.0 indicates a perfect negative correlation. Relationships with a correlation coefficient of greater than 0.5 were deemed to be co-linear and were accounted for when generating the candidate feature sets.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Results of the misclassification analysis applied to the SVM model’s performance demonstrating the relationship between class overlap and instance hardness. As class overlap increases, denoted by a reducing CLD and increasing KDN, instance hardness increases, resulting in more misclassifications by the SVM model.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Results of the misclassification analysis showing the effect of increasing class overlap, determined using (a) KDN and (b) CLD, on the AUC of each model. Each line reflects the AUC of a model, determined using the mean probability of all records surpassing the threshold shown in the X-axis, where points towards the left represent performance on a set of exclusively easy records and those on the right represent performance on a set of exclusively difficult records.
Figure 4
Figure 4
AITIA: An extended form of the traditional machine learning framework with integrated ‘trust by interrogation’ strategies that characterise the difficulty of each record, provide reasoning for individual record misclassification and give an insight into how each model performs on records of varying degrees of difficulty.


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