Relationship between Cognitive Performance and Motor Dysfunction in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study

Valentina Varalta, Alessandro Picelli, Cristina Fonte, Stefania Amato, Camilla Melotti, Vanja Zatezalo, Leopold Saltuari, Nicola Smania, Valentina Varalta, Alessandro Picelli, Cristina Fonte, Stefania Amato, Camilla Melotti, Vanja Zatezalo, Leopold Saltuari, Nicola Smania


The aim of this pilot cross-sectional study was to extensively investigate the relationships between cognitive performance and motor dysfunction involving balance and gait ability in patients with Parkinson's disease. Twenty subjects with Parkinson's disease underwent a cognitive (outcomes: Frontal Assessment Battery-Italian version, Montreal overall Cognitive Assessment, Trail Making Test, Semantic Verbal Fluency Test, and Memory with Interference Test) and motor (outcomes: Berg Balance Scale, 10-Meter Walking Test, 6-Minute Walking Test, Timed Up and Go Test performed also under dual task condition, and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale) assessment. Our correlation analyses showed that balance skills are significantly correlated with executive functions, cognitive impairment, and ability to switch attention between two tasks. Furthermore, functional mobility showed a significant correlation with cognitive impairment, verbal fluency, and ability to switch attention between two tasks. In addition, the functional mobility evaluated under the dual task condition showed a significant correlation with cognitive impairment and ability to switch attention between two tasks. These findings might help early identification of cognitive deficits or motor dysfunctions in patients with Parkinson's disease who may benefit from rehabilitative strategies. Future prospective larger-scale studies are needed to strengthen our results.


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