Social Media Interventions for Risky Drinking Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

Erin E Bonar, Diane M Schneeberger, Carrie Bourque, Jose A Bauermeister, Sean D Young, Frederic C Blow, Rebecca M Cunningham, Amy Sb Bohnert, Marc A Zimmerman, Maureen A Walton, Erin E Bonar, Diane M Schneeberger, Carrie Bourque, Jose A Bauermeister, Sean D Young, Frederic C Blow, Rebecca M Cunningham, Amy Sb Bohnert, Marc A Zimmerman, Maureen A Walton


Background: Despite intervention efforts to date, the prevalence of risky drinking among adolescents and emerging adults remains high, increasing the risk for health consequences and the development of alcohol use disorders. Peer influences are particularly salient among this age group, including via social media. Thus, the development of efficacious early interventions for youth, delivered with a broad reach via trained peers on social media, could have an important role in addressing risky drinking and concomitant drug use.

Objective: This paper describes the protocol of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) testing the efficacy of a social media intervention among adolescents and emerging adults who meet the criteria for risky drinking (using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption [AUDIT-C]), delivered with and without financial incentives for participation, compared with an attention placebo control condition (ie, entertaining social media content), on alcohol consumption and consequences.

Methods: This RCT involved recruiting 955 youths (aged 16-24 years) via advertisements on Facebook and Instagram to self-administer a brief web-based screening survey. Those screening positive for past 3-month risky drinking (AUDIT-C positive: ages 16-17 years: ≥3 females and ≥4 males; and ages 18-24 years: ≥4 females and ≥5 males) were eligible for the RCT. After providing consent (a waiver of parental consent was obtained for minors), participants completed a web-based baseline survey and several verification procedures, including a selfie photo matched to Facebook profile photos. Participants were then randomized to join invitation-only secret Facebook groups, which were not searchable or viewable by parents, friends, or anyone not recruited by the study. The 3 conditions were social media intervention with incentives, social media intervention without incentives (SMI), and attention placebo control. Each condition lasted 8 weeks and consisted of bachelor's-level and master's-level therapist electronic coaches posting relevant content and responding to participants' posts in a manner consistent with Motivational Interviewing. Participants in the control condition and SMI condition did not receive payments but were blind to condition assignment between these 2 conditions. Follow-ups are ongoing and occur at 3, 6, and 12 months poststart of the groups.

Results: We enrolled 955 participants over 10 waves of recruitment who screened positive for risky drinking into the RCT.

Conclusions: The findings of this study will provide the critical next step in delivering early alcohol interventions to the youth, capitalizing on social media platforms, which could have significant public health impact by altering alcohol use trajectories of adolescents and emerging adults engaged in risky drinking.

Trial registration: NCT02809586;

International registered report identifier (irrid): DERR1-10.2196/16688.

Keywords: adolescents; alcohol consumption; emerging adults; internet-based intervention; social media.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interest: The authors do not have any personal financial interests related to the subject matters discussed in this manuscript, with 2 exceptions. MW is a minor shareholder in Facebook and has a conflict of interest plan approved by the University of Michigan. SY has received an unrestricted gift from Facebook, on file with the University of California, Los Angeles (his prior academic appointment).

©Erin E Bonar, Diane M Schneeberger, Carrie Bourque, Jose A Bauermeister, Sean D Young, Frederic C Blow, Rebecca M Cunningham, Amy SB Bohnert, Marc A Zimmerman, Maureen A Walton. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (, 13.05.2020.


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