Impact of a self-care education programme on patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care in the Basque Country

Estibaliz Gamboa Moreno, Álvaro Sánchez Perez, Kalliopi Vrotsou, Juan Carlos Arbonies Ortiz, Emma Del Campo Pena, Lourdes Ochoa de Retana Garcia, María Ángeles Rua Portu, Koldo Piñera Elorriaga, Amaya Zenarutzabeitia Pikatza, Miren Nekane Urquiza Bengoa, Rosario Sanz Echave, Tomás Méndez Sampedro, Ana Oses Portu, Lourdes Gorostidi Fano, Miren Bakarne Aguirre Sorondo, Rafael Rotaeche Del Campo, Osakidetza Active Patient Research Group, M E Barrena Guijarro, M Izar de la Fuente Santamaría, D Cascante Gómez, J M Ávila Rodríguez, E Galardi Andonegui, L Albizuri Amillategi, F García Arévalo, C Ledo Parrondo, M J Orduna Catalán, M R González de Zarate Ruiz, M J Castro Solana, M A Calvo Gainzarain, M A Infante Gonzalez, M Castaño Castaño, A Aguirre, C Marijuan Villaverde, E Vicinay Ruilope, C Mendigutxia Luzuriaga, G Contreras Cabrejas, A R Paul Urtaran, M Calvo Valdibielso, R Fernandez Ameyugo, M E Azpeitia Serón, J Zubiaurre Lusa, R Alonso Mardones, M Vázquez Gibello, C Samaniego Garay, M Higuero Rebate, S Padrones Ogueta, N Menendez Alvarez, A Cinos Juanes, E Gómez Vadillo, I Sarriegi Carrera, J A Merino Fuente, B Piñedo Díaz, M G Alonso Alonso, M R Cortazar Ibáñez, L Mtnez De Marigorta Tellería, I Fuente Lamelas, C Etxabe Goikoetxea, A Lauzurica, M Larreina Galdeano, M J Ajamil Gainzarain, C De Miguel Abad, S Navarro Castilla, E Tomé Bóveda, R Moreno Corchado, B González Yagüe, A Galo Anza, J Lecertua Arrieta, O Dorronsoro Barandiaran, X Sanz Cascante, B Fermín Gorosobel, J Iradi otaegui, I Sahara Rodríguez Gómez, Y Amieva Pérez, A Murguiondo Elosegui, F González Babiano, L Iriondo Maiztegi, M Goiburu Iparraguirre, M Fdez, Barrena Alvarez, E Arsuaga Bilbao, B Santano Padilla, A García Rodríguez, M E Olano Tamayo, I Arratibel Auzmendi, A Salaverria Isasi, A Gómez Santamaría, E Contreras Fuerte, N Achaga Azkue, I Olondris Ibáñez, M A Goenaga, I Azcarate Maturana, I Aznar Goyena, E Azurmendi Sistiaga, E Gallego Diego, E Garay Ibáñez de Elejalde, M T Mena Sainz, C Rodríguez Atin, A Usandizaga Endaya, A Tellería Aguirre, M Gala de Andrés, E Ramiro Castro, J Mendoza Diaz, B Sunsundegui Loinaz, C Fernandez Olmeda, J D Cariacedo Arrastio, M P Calvo Diaz, T Chico Gonzalez, R Leiva Martin, A Berazadi Aldabaldetreku, N Aizpurua Lasa, B Sacristán Sainz-Aja, A Rico Gamarra, M Montejo Garcia, M C Trigueros Manzano, M M Alvarez Hidalgo, Y Gobantes Otaola, X Velasco Saiz, C Bermejo Calvo, M A Ibarra Carcomo, B Aretillo Ortega, M Flores Yarritu, M J Andollo Guridi, M V Peña Beato, I Hernandez Cabezas, J Unanue Iriarte, N Saez Jorge, M Martinez Pérez, M Ugartemendia Urquiola, Linder Urretavizcaya, S Igartua Donazar, A Irizar Jáuregui, P Alonso Gorrochategui, A Aguirre Iribar, E Elizegi Abril, A Jáuregui Cambra, M Aranceta Gaztelu, P Matias González, M Lasa Galparsoro, E Agirregomezkorta, M J Mendizábal Narbaiza, O Alonso Conde, M J Argaya Orbegozo, Estibaliz Gamboa Moreno, Álvaro Sánchez Perez, Kalliopi Vrotsou, Juan Carlos Arbonies Ortiz, Emma Del Campo Pena, Lourdes Ochoa de Retana Garcia, María Ángeles Rua Portu, Koldo Piñera Elorriaga, Amaya Zenarutzabeitia Pikatza, Miren Nekane Urquiza Bengoa, Rosario Sanz Echave, Tomás Méndez Sampedro, Ana Oses Portu, Lourdes Gorostidi Fano, Miren Bakarne Aguirre Sorondo, Rafael Rotaeche Del Campo, Osakidetza Active Patient Research Group, M E Barrena Guijarro, M Izar de la Fuente Santamaría, D Cascante Gómez, J M Ávila Rodríguez, E Galardi Andonegui, L Albizuri Amillategi, F García Arévalo, C Ledo Parrondo, M J Orduna Catalán, M R González de Zarate Ruiz, M J Castro Solana, M A Calvo Gainzarain, M A Infante Gonzalez, M Castaño Castaño, A Aguirre, C Marijuan Villaverde, E Vicinay Ruilope, C Mendigutxia Luzuriaga, G Contreras Cabrejas, A R Paul Urtaran, M Calvo Valdibielso, R Fernandez Ameyugo, M E Azpeitia Serón, J Zubiaurre Lusa, R Alonso Mardones, M Vázquez Gibello, C Samaniego Garay, M Higuero Rebate, S Padrones Ogueta, N Menendez Alvarez, A Cinos Juanes, E Gómez Vadillo, I Sarriegi Carrera, J A Merino Fuente, B Piñedo Díaz, M G Alonso Alonso, M R Cortazar Ibáñez, L Mtnez De Marigorta Tellería, I Fuente Lamelas, C Etxabe Goikoetxea, A Lauzurica, M Larreina Galdeano, M J Ajamil Gainzarain, C De Miguel Abad, S Navarro Castilla, E Tomé Bóveda, R Moreno Corchado, B González Yagüe, A Galo Anza, J Lecertua Arrieta, O Dorronsoro Barandiaran, X Sanz Cascante, B Fermín Gorosobel, J Iradi otaegui, I Sahara Rodríguez Gómez, Y Amieva Pérez, A Murguiondo Elosegui, F González Babiano, L Iriondo Maiztegi, M Goiburu Iparraguirre, M Fdez, Barrena Alvarez, E Arsuaga Bilbao, B Santano Padilla, A García Rodríguez, M E Olano Tamayo, I Arratibel Auzmendi, A Salaverria Isasi, A Gómez Santamaría, E Contreras Fuerte, N Achaga Azkue, I Olondris Ibáñez, M A Goenaga, I Azcarate Maturana, I Aznar Goyena, E Azurmendi Sistiaga, E Gallego Diego, E Garay Ibáñez de Elejalde, M T Mena Sainz, C Rodríguez Atin, A Usandizaga Endaya, A Tellería Aguirre, M Gala de Andrés, E Ramiro Castro, J Mendoza Diaz, B Sunsundegui Loinaz, C Fernandez Olmeda, J D Cariacedo Arrastio, M P Calvo Diaz, T Chico Gonzalez, R Leiva Martin, A Berazadi Aldabaldetreku, N Aizpurua Lasa, B Sacristán Sainz-Aja, A Rico Gamarra, M Montejo Garcia, M C Trigueros Manzano, M M Alvarez Hidalgo, Y Gobantes Otaola, X Velasco Saiz, C Bermejo Calvo, M A Ibarra Carcomo, B Aretillo Ortega, M Flores Yarritu, M J Andollo Guridi, M V Peña Beato, I Hernandez Cabezas, J Unanue Iriarte, N Saez Jorge, M Martinez Pérez, M Ugartemendia Urquiola, Linder Urretavizcaya, S Igartua Donazar, A Irizar Jáuregui, P Alonso Gorrochategui, A Aguirre Iribar, E Elizegi Abril, A Jáuregui Cambra, M Aranceta Gaztelu, P Matias González, M Lasa Galparsoro, E Agirregomezkorta, M J Mendizábal Narbaiza, O Alonso Conde, M J Argaya Orbegozo


Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a disease with high prevalence and significant impact in terms of mortality and morbidity. The increased prevalence of the disease requires the implementation of new strategies to promote patient self-management. The Spanish Diabetes Self-Management Program (SDSMP) has proven to be effective in other settings. The objective of this study is to assess its effectiveness in terms of care for DM2 patients in primary care settings within the Basque Health Service - Osakidetza (Spain).

Method/design: This is a randomised clinical trial in which patients diagnosed with DM2, 18-79 years of age, from four health regions within the Basque Health Service will be randomised into two groups: an intervention group, who will follow the SDSMP, and a control group, who will receive usual care in accordance with the clinical guidelines for DM2 and existing regulations in our region. The intervention consists of 2,5 hour-group sessions once a week for six weeks. The sessions cover target setting and problem solving techniques, promotion of physical exercise, basic knowledge of nutrition, proper use of medication, effective communication with relatives and health professionals, and basic knowledge about DM2 and its complications. This content is complemented by educational material: books, leaflets and CDs. The primary outcome measure will be the change in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), and secondary outcome measures will include changes in levels of physical activity and intake of fruit and vegetables, cardiovascular risk, quality of life, self-efficacy, number of consultations and drug prescriptions. The results will be analysed 6, 12 and 24 months after the intervention.

Discussion: If the intervention were to be effective, the programme should be spread to the entire diabetic population in the Basque Country and it could also be applied for other diseases.

Trial registration: identifier NCT01642394.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Flowdiagram for the study.


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