Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Pediatric Chronic Pain: Theory and Application

Melissa Pielech, Kevin E Vowles, Rikard Wicksell, Melissa Pielech, Kevin E Vowles, Rikard Wicksell


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave behavior therapy approach which aims to increase engagement in activities that bring meaning, vitality, and value to the lives of individuals experiencing persistent pain, discomfort, or distress. This goal is particularly relevant when these aversive experiences cannot be effectively avoided or when avoidance efforts risk their exacerbation, all of which may be common experiences in children and adolescents with chronic pain conditions. The primary aim of the present paper is to review and summarize the extant literature on the application, utility, and evidence for using ACT with pediatric chronic pain populations by: (1) defining the theoretical assumptions of the ACT model; (2) summarizing research study findings and relevant measures from the published literature; and (3) critically discussing the strengths, limitations and areas in need of further development.

Keywords: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; ACT; adolescents; children; chronic  pain; pain acceptance; pediatric.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Source: PubMed
