Development and Pilot Testing of Standardized Food Images for Studying Eating Behaviors in Children

Samantha M R Kling, Alaina L Pearce, Marissa L Reynolds, Hugh Garavan, Charles F Geier, Barbara J Rolls, Emma J Rose, Stephen J Wilson, Kathleen L Keller, Samantha M R Kling, Alaina L Pearce, Marissa L Reynolds, Hugh Garavan, Charles F Geier, Barbara J Rolls, Emma J Rose, Stephen J Wilson, Kathleen L Keller


Food images are routinely used to investigate the cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of eating behaviors, but there is a lack of standardized image sets for use in children, which limits cross-study comparisons. To address this gap, we developed a set of age-appropriate images that included 30 high-energy-dense (ED) foods (>2.00 kcal/g), 30 low-ED foods (<1.75 kcal/g), and 30 office supplies photographed in two amounts (i.e., "larger" and "smaller"). Preliminary testing was conducted with children (6-10 years) to assess recognition, emotional valence (1 = very sad, 5 = very happy), and excitability (1 = very bored, 5 = very excited). After the initial testing, 10 images with low recognition were replaced; thus, differences between Image Set 1 and Image Set 2 were analyzed. Thirty (n = 30, mean age 8.3 ± 1.2 years) children rated Set 1, and a different cohort of 29 children (mean age 8.1 ± 1.1 years) rated Set 2. Changes made between image sets improved recognition of low-ED foods (Set 1 = 88.3 ± 10.5% vs. Set 2 = 95.6 ± 10.6%; p < 0.0001) and office supplies (83.7 ± 10.5 vs. 93.0 ± 10.6%; p < 0.0001). For the revised image set, children recognized more high-ED foods (98.4 ± 10.6%) than low-ED foods (95.6 ± 10.6%; p < 0.05) and office supplies (93.0 ± 10.6%; p < 0.0001). Recognition also improved with age (p < 0.001). Excitability and emotional valence scores were greater for high-ED foods compared with both low-ED foods and office supplies (p < 0.0001 for both). However, child fullness ratings influenced the relationship between excitability/emotional valence and category of item (p < 0.002). At the lowest fullness level, high-ED foods were rated the highest in both excitability and emotional valence, followed by low-ED foods and then office supplies. At the highest fullness level, high-ED foods remained the highest in excitability and emotional valence, but ratings for low-ED foods and office supplies were not different. This suggests that low-ED foods were more exciting and emotionally salient (relative to office supplies) when children were hungry. Ratings of recognition, excitability, and emotional valence did not differ by image amount. This new, freely available, image set showed high recognition and expected differences between image category for emotional valence and excitability. When investigating children's responsiveness to food cues, specifically energy density, it is essential for investigators to account for potential influences of child age and satiety level.

Keywords: children; eating behaviors; energy density; food cues; food pictures; portion size; standardized food images.

Copyright © 2020 Kling, Pearce, Reynolds, Garavan, Geier, Rolls, Rose, Wilson and Keller.


Diagram depicting placement of food or office supplies on a plate in relation to camera, tripod. lights. and light box used in photography protocol. (A) Shows the bird’s-eye view of the equipment and objected of interest photographed by the professional photographer. (B) Shows the eye level view of the equipment and object of interest photographed by the professional photographer.
Example images of smaller and larger amounts of high-energy-dense foods. low-energy-dense foods and office supplies from a standardized image set developed investigate the cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of eating behaviors in 6- to 10-year-old children.
Accuracy of recognition of images. depicting high-ED. low-ED. and office supplies. increased with child age [P = 0.001; F(155) = 11.52. Cohen’s d = 0.44] and recognition increased by 2.7% (SE = 0.78) for each year increase in age in a sample of children ranging froni 6.08 to 10.75 years of age. Modeled slope and standard errors along with individual data points are values extracted from the model.
Children’s recognition of 30 high-ED food images. 30 low-ED food images. and 30 office supply images between Image Set 1 and Image Set 2 of the images. Improvements in image recognition were attributable to improvements made in recognition of low-ED foods and office supplies not high-ED foods [version × image category interaction term: P < 0.000 1: F(2gg) = 12.53].
The effect of an interaction between category of image (e.g., high-ED, low-ED, and office images) and fullness score on ratings of image excitability and emotional valence-A. The slopes between excitability and fullness differed by the category of item pictured [p = 0.002; F(290) = 634]. The slope for office supplies was greater than the slope for high-ED and low-ED foods; however, the slope for low-ED foods did not differ from the slope for high-ED food& Ratings of excitability of low-ED foods and office supplies were significantly different at lower levels of fullness, but were not significantly different at higher levels of fullness- B. The slopes between emotional valence and fullness differed by the category of item pictured [p = 0M004; F(2294) = 7.92]. The slope for office supplies was greater than the slope for high-ED foods and office supplies, however, the slope for low-ED foods did not differ from the slope for high-ED foods. Ratings of emotional valence of low-ED foods and office supplies were significantly different at lower levels of fullness, but were not significantly different at higher levels of fullness.


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