In Vitro Comparison of Fluoride, Magnesium, and Calcium Phosphate Materials on Prevention of White Spot Lesions around Orthodontic Brackets

Selda Lale, Hikmet Solak, Evren Hınçal, Levent Vahdettin, Selda Lale, Hikmet Solak, Evren Hınçal, Levent Vahdettin


One common negative side effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances is the development of white spot lesions (WSLs) around brackets. This study is aimed at comparing the efficacy of various oral hygiene practices in preventing enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets under similar in vitro conditions. The study included 90 extracted bovine incisors, which were randomized into six groups: fluoride toothpaste (FT), nonfluoride toothpaste (NFT), fluoride varnish plus fluoride toothpaste (FV+FT), CPP-ACP varnish plus fluoride toothpaste (CPP-ACP+FT), medical minerals gel plus nonfluoride toothpaste (MMG+NFT), and no intervention (control). All groups were subjected to demineralization and remineralization cycles. Visual appraisals were used to evaluate the changes in the enamel surface appearance at the beginning and end of the experiment. The changes in the demineralization degree were evaluated by measuring the Ca+2 concentration in the demineralization solution at different time points. The majority of teeth in the CPP-ACP+FT group exhibited no shift in appearance, whereas in the other groups, a slight change in enamel translucency was observed. At all the time points, the Ca+2 concentration in the demineralization solution in the CPP-ACP+FT group was the least among all other groups. At day 5, MMG+NFT's preventive efficacy was significantly higher than FV+FT's, but at days 10, 15, and 19, their efficacy was similar. However, at all the time points, MMG+NFT's efficacy was significantly higher than that of control, whereas FV+FT's efficacy was decreased at days 10, 15, and 19 and was close to the efficacy of control. To fight WSLs, early diagnosis was of great importance and examination of the tooth surface after air-drying for 5 s was recommended.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

Copyright © 2020 Selda Lale et al.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Images of teeth before and after bonding the brackets. (a) Before bonding the bracket: nail varnish painted around the exposed enamel surface. (b) After bonding the bracket: exposed enamel around the bracket represents the area of interest.
Figure 2
Figure 2
The experimental procedure of this study.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Frequency distribution plots for the pre- and posttreatment visual scores for (a) control group, (b) FT group, (c) NFT group, (d) FV+FT group, (e) CPP-ACP+FT group, and (f) MMG+NFT group.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Ca loss measurement (mean ± sd; n = 15) plots of treatment groups for (a) day 5, (b) day 10, (c) day 15, and (d) day 19. Different letters are used in pairwise comparisons of groups.


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