Multimodal MRI-Based Whole-Brain Assessment in Patients In Anoxoischemic Coma by Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

Giulia Maria Mattia, Benjamine Sarton, Edouard Villain, Helene Vinour, Fabrice Ferre, William Buffieres, Marie-Veronique Le Lann, Xavier Franceries, Patrice Peran, Stein Silva, Giulia Maria Mattia, Benjamine Sarton, Edouard Villain, Helene Vinour, Fabrice Ferre, William Buffieres, Marie-Veronique Le Lann, Xavier Franceries, Patrice Peran, Stein Silva


Background: There is an unfulfilled need to find the best way to automatically capture, analyze, organize, and merge structural and functional brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data to ultimately extract relevant signals that can assist the medical decision process at the bedside of patients in postanoxic coma. We aimed to develop and validate a deep learning model to leverage multimodal 3D MRI whole-brain times series for an early evaluation of brain damages related to anoxoischemic coma.

Methods: This proof-of-concept, prospective, cohort study was undertaken at the intensive care unit affiliated with the University Hospital (Toulouse, France), between March 2018 and May 2020. All patients were scanned in coma state at least 2 days (4 ± 2 days) after cardiac arrest. Over the same period, age-matched healthy volunteers were recruited and included. Brain MRI quantification encompassed both "functional data" from regions of interest (precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex) with whole-brain functional connectivity analysis and "structural data" (gray matter volume, T1-weighted, fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity). A specifically designed 3D convolutional neuronal network (CNN) was created to allow conscious state discrimination (coma vs. controls) by using raw MRI indices as the input. A voxel-wise visualization method based on the study of convolutional filters was applied to support CNN outcome. The Ethics Committee of the University Teaching Hospital of Toulouse, France (2018-A31) approved the study and informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Results: The final cohort consisted of 29 patients in postanoxic coma and 34 healthy volunteers. Coma patients were successfully discerned from controls by using 3D CNN in combination with different MR indices. The best accuracy was achieved by functional MRI data, in particular with resting-state functional MRI of the posterior cingulate cortex, with an accuracy of 0.96 (range 0.94-0.98) on the test set from 10-time repeated tenfold cross-validation. Even more satisfactory performances were achieved through the majority voting strategy, which was able to compensate for mistakes from single MR indices. Visualization maps allowed us to identify the most relevant regions for each MRI index, notably regions previously described as possibly being involved in consciousness emergence. Interestingly, a posteriori analysis of misclassified patients indicated that they may present some common functional MRI traits with controls, which suggests further favorable outcomes.

Conclusions: A fully automated identification of clinically relevant signals from complex multimodal neuroimaging data is a major research topic that may bring a radical paradigm shift in the neuroprognostication of patients with severe brain injury. We report for the first time a successful discrimination between patients in postanoxic coma patients from people serving as controls by using 3D CNN whole-brain structural and functional MRI data. Clinical Trial Number (No. NCT03482115).

Keywords: Cardiac arrest; Coma; Convolutional neural networks; Deep learning; Multimodal MRI.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors certify that they have no conflict of interest to report.

© 2022. The Author(s).


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Methods overview. Structural and functional magnetic resonance (MR) indices from the set of controls (n = 34) and patients in coma (n = 29) were assessed to perform binary classification by using a 3D convolutional neuronal network (CNN) in a 10-time repeated tenfold cross-validation. The 3D CNN model is schematized with fundamental building blocks. Feeding as input each MR index, we examined their discriminant power by using standard evaluation metrics and visualization maps to discover the most relevant voxels taken into account for CNN prediction. AveragePooling3D, average pooling layer, BN, batch normalization, Conv3D, convolutional layer, Dropout, dropout layer, ELU, exponential linear unit activation, FCL, fully connected layer, Flatten, output from the convolutional part reshaped in a 1D array, Softmax, softmax activation
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Individual classification according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indices. Analysis of misclassified samples was conducted on the basis of model performance. Controls and patients in coma were associated with their classification label assigned by the 3D convolutional neuronal network (CNN) according to magnetic resonance (MR) index. Majority voting (MajVot) was computed to assess whether the individual MR index performance on each sample could be improved considering the most scored classification output among all MR indices. This was indeed the case for controls, all correctly classified with MajVot. Regarding patients in coma, MajVot was second only to rs-fMRI PCC, totaling only two misclassified patients instead of four. FA, fractional anisotropy, GM, gray matter volume, MD, mean diffusivity, PCC, posterior cingulate cortex, PreCun, precuneus, rs-fMRI, resting-state functional MRI, T1, T1-weighted
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
3D CNN visual interpretation. Visualization maps representing activation values from the learned convolutional filters passed over the images. The absolute difference between maps belonging to correctly classified samples of the training set is shown to highlight the most discriminant voxels. To obtain clearer visualizations, we applied a threshold value (Threshold) equal to half of the maximum value (Max) considering activation values from every magnetic resonance (MR) index. Notice how voxels with greater activation vary according to the MR index. FA, fractional anisotropy, GM, gray matter volume, l, left, MD, mean diffusivity, PCC, posterior cingulate cortex, PreCun, precuneus, r, right, rs-fMRI, resting-state functional MRI, T1, T1-weighted


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